Navy Dads


I didn't see a thread for Navy OCS class 12-12, so I thought I'd start one in the hopes of connecting with other families/friends of Canidates in this same class. My name is Ellen and our eldest son Joe arrived in Newport to report on March 25, 2012. Feel free to sign up and respond so we can introduce ourselves and share questions, comments, or concerns.


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Their voices certainly get dogged and hoarse with the ballistic responses to the DI's all day:) Our Joe's voice was raspy too. And, after reading a previous message of yours Bruce, yes they do have a PIR (pass in review the day before graduation. That is why it is important for families/friends to drive or fly in on Wed, so they get to enjoy the PIR and Hi Moms meet and greet Thursday.


From what I've read and seen on videos too, the platoon even does a PT run the morning of graduation.

Just an FYI for other parents and friends of OCS candidates. I ordered a great commerative plaque for our son yesterday and wanted to pass along the info and link. I was extremely pleased with the quality, a very weighty piece for the money. The plaques are made here in the good ole USA and the maker shipped it lightning fast. Placed the Custom Order on Monday and 3 days later on Thursday, the box was at my door along with a nice little hand written note from the maker. Highly recommended memento to save the special day and milestone.





Hello there and thanks for starting this thread.. Our Son Ryan is up there in that class also. I have a question. It was our understanding that they would get to call out by phone on Sundays but we have not heard a word yet from Ryan. Maybe we were mistaken about the phone call day or something?  Does anyone know about this ?   Thanks,   Jack Stebbins  (Dad)

hmmm, I just saw the date of this thread, sorry I think I posted in the wrong place. Not to good with forums..

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