Navy Dads

Hello. Does anyone know if the Navy is recruiting anyone but high school students.  I have one son in the Navy and doing well on the Bush.  I have another son that has been trying to get in the Navy but after 6 months we are wondering if they have quit recruiting any one but high school students.


We have call other recruiter's in our state and they say they are having the same issues that they have men in their early 20's unable to get in because no window has opened for them in the past 6 months. 


Does anyone have any knowledge on Navy recruitment at this time.  My main question is - is it useless to try to get in the Navy at this time?

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...friend of mine as a son about 23 just just enlisted about 4 weeks ago and leaves for Great Lakes in Feb.
So glad some one made it in.  The son that wants to get in is also 23.  His recruiter says he has four guys trying to get in and no opening in the past 6 months.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
...friend of mine as a son about 23 just just enlisted about 4 weeks ago and leaves for Great Lakes in Feb.
I think there is a measure of luck, but also is very dependent on your recruiter trying hard enough....

NavyDads Co-Admin, Jim said:
Is he trying to get a particular job? Maybe he's trying for a rate that's over full.

  Joe is not applying for anything yet, since he has not even gone to meps.  Recruiter keeps telling him no openings for anyone except high school students.  Also according to a navy recruiter web site, they want high school students more then anybody else because they do better in the Navy. 
you are right, he is a new recruiter and not trying very hard.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
I think there is a measure of luck, but also is very dependent on your recruiter trying hard enough....
now to be fair, when my friend's son enlisted, the only rates open were MA and HM so it is always a gamble these days......

Annette J Crosby said:
you are right, he is a new recruiter and not trying very hard.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
I think there is a measure of luck, but also is very dependent on your recruiter trying hard enough....

Joe does need a waiver for depression.  Has letter already from doctor that he is normal..  Depression was when he was in the sixth grade. 

Meps has been a problem with us.  First off, Meps lost his paper work and the recruiter only found this out after we bugged him a month later asking what was going on when we were told that his paper work would be back in a week.


we got the paper work from the doctor again and sent it back to Meps and a month later found out the Meps doctor had dies and all paper work was in hold.


Last time we called the recruiter he said Meps had a fire that day.


Recruiter has also told us that he has several 20 some year olds trying to get in and there are no openings except for nucleaur and needed a asvab score in 90's for that and joe score is in the 70's.


My son is patient but considering the Marines, but he really wants to be in the Navy with his brother.


My daughter graduated from college last December and had been trying to find a job since then.  In April, she started talking to a recruiter about enlisting but had to lose weight.  She worked her butt off and lost over 60 lbs (went from a size 16 to a 4!) and went to MEPS in October.  She left December 14th for BC and was as solid as a shape of her life.  Got her first letter last week and she was upset that they wouldn't even let them workout yet!  All she wants to do is workout, it's been her life for the last 8 months!  She will be 26 in April.  Point is, it does seem that they are taking others than just HS Grads.
My son leaves Feb 7,But it took about 6 months for him to finally get sworn in .So tell him to hang in there and keep trying.Good Luck and God Bless.
Thanks for the encouragement.  Joe really really wants to get in the Navy, We have not heard from them in a month.  Just don't know what to do.

Randy Grimes said:
My son leaves Feb 7,But it took about 6 months for him to finally get sworn in .So tell him to hang in there and keep trying.Good Luck and God Bless.
keep after them....the squeaky wheel gets the grease..........

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