Navy Dads


Height and Weight Standards for the United States Navy


Applicants required to attend Recruit Training Command (RTC) but who exceed Navy physical readiness standards (Male 22% - Female 33%) may enter the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) and ship to RTC provided their body fat content does not exceed 25% for males and 36% for females. Applicants must pass the Initial Fitness Assessment (IFA) while in DEP prior to their ship date. If the applicant cannot pass the IFA prior to their ship date, the applicant may be subject to discharge from DEP. If the applicant reports to RTC in excess of the new accession body fat standards, or fails the initial RTC Physical Fitness Assessment, the applicant could be subject to Entry Level Separation from the Navy. Applicants must achieve retention body fat standards in order to graduate from RTC.



Applicants not required to attend RTC who do not meet the Navy weight requirements for their height will be measured for body fat percentage. Male applicants measured at 22 percent body fat or less may transfer to Transient Personnel Unit (TPU) Great Lakes regardless of their weight. Female applicants measured at 33 percent body fat or less (34% for female applicants 40 years of age or older) may transfer to TPU Great Lakes regardless of their weight.



Waivers: For applicants with a Body Mass Index (BMI) below 19, the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) will determine if there are any underlying medical/psychiatric conditions through a more detailed history/medical record review. Underweight applicants down to 17.5 BMI may be qualified if there is no evidence of a medical or psychiatric disorder and they are physically active with a good appetite. Applicants below 17.5 BMI will be temporarily disqualified and a waiting period of 4 days for every 1-pound increment will be imposed. Height waivers for applicants above 80 inches or below 57 inches are not authorized.

All body fat measurements are performed according to the instructions contained in OPNAV Instruction 6110.1H - PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM




Height Weight Chart

Male Female
Height (inches) Maximum Weight Standard (pounds)

Maximum Weight Standard


57 127 127
58 131 131
59 136 136
60 141 141
61 145 145
62 150 149
63 155 152
64 160 156
65 165 160
66 170 163
67 175 167
68 181 170
69 186 174
70 191 177
71 196 181
72 201 185
73 206 189
74 211 194
75 216 200
76 221 205
77 226 211
78 231 216
79 236 222
80 241 227




Male Body Fat Standards:

Age 17 - 39: Max of 22% body fat
Age 40 and over: Max of 23% body fat

Female Body Fat Standards:

Age 17 - 39: Max of 33% body fat
Age 40 and over: Max of 34% body fat

Sailors who exceed their allowable body-fat are deemed "overweight." They are screened by medical personnel, and then entered into a mandatory weight-loss program. While in overweight status, sailors are ineligible for promotion, ineligible for many volunteer assignments and schools, will adversely effect their Navy FITREP and are not eligible to reenlist.




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