Navy Dads

Hey Guys,
Only 67 more pre-orders are needed to reach the goal of 100, which is the minimum number required to begin striking these beautiful challenge coins. These coins are being offered in an effort to give us, the users of this great site, a chance to "give a little back" by helping offset some of the expenses incurred in keeping our site updated and running smoothly every day.
I haven't been a member very long and have not had the pleasure of "talking" to many of you guys. I certainly hope to be able to communicate with more of
of you as time goes on. One thing that I am sure of is that access to the wealth of information and comraderie that is on this site , has been a great comfort to me while my Son is in boot. I have been able to ask questions of people who have been right where I am now.
I challenge each and every one of you guys who, like me, has a son or daughter currently at RTC or in any A school, to join me in purchasing a NavyDads challenge coin. Let's get that "coin-o-meter" to rise all of the way to the top. Come on Guys, let's make this happen!
Fair winds,

Cost: $25 w/free shipping.

To order, click the link on the starboard side of this page.

Views: 368

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Bravo Zulu Bobby Lynch. I have one ordered that I am going to send my son that is stationed in Italy. I can't wait to hear his reaction when he gets it.

Outstanding men! Thanks for the support! I am sure that we're all looking forward to having our freshly minted coins.

Thanks for all of your efforts, BBQ...we are making some headway!

Thank YOU Sirs!

Good afternoon Men,

Thank you all for pitching in and ordering your NavyDads Challenge Coins. I am looking forward to receiving the coin and being able to hand it to my Son when he graduates from A school. Our purchases will be utilized to ensure that this truly special site will be available to inform and support the many new Navy Dads, just like we once were, that are searching for some "Veteran" advice and information on what their family members are, and will be, facing in their tenures as members of the greatest Navy in the world, The US Navy!

                   Again, thank you Gentlemen, and Bravo Zulu!


Nicely done BBQJD !!!

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