Navy Dads


I would like to start by thanking everyone for giving me the opportunity to respond to today's most recent post's in the discussion "Tiger Cruise Program" started by NBC producer, Dexter Mullins of the Nightly News with Brian Williams.


I also would like to thank NBC and Mr. Mullins for wanting to spotlight our Sailors in their special "Making A Difference: On the Homefront". Not only a great series but such an honor knowing they want to spotlight our Sailors, the very own "United States Sailors" we have raised. I would also like to add a special thank you to the United States Navy for directing Mr. Mullins to NavyDads.Com by recognizing us as a vital resource to Navy families with loved one's serving in the U.S. Navy.


The topic of discussion is about the Tiger Cruise Program. A program that gives Navy parents and family members the opportunity to see what life is like for their Sailor while deployed at sea. This program gives parents the opportunity to live aboard the ship with their Sailor for 3-7 days while it makes it's way back to the ships homeport. For those who have been lucky enough to participate in a Tiger Cruise, they all say the same thing, it was a once in a lifetime experience.


This topic has brought to light concerns about the safety of our Sailors and the rules of the Navy's OPSEC violations in public forums such as ours. I want everyone to know that NavyDads has always had your family & Sailors best interest at heart in keeping them safe from harms way. We have a dedicated team of actual Navy Dads that constantly monitor this site, not only to inform you about what lies ahead in your Sailors journey but to provide a community to gather together and share information amongst ourselves.   


We have always encouraged healthy debates on our site because we feel it is a great form of communication in understanding opposing points of views. What better way to empower yourself with knowledge by reading other's actual experience's? Let your mind be at ease knowing we are on top of everything posted on our site and nothing goes unnoticed.


When Mr. Mullins joined our site, be assured myself including my "Team" did our research in finding out if Mr. Mullins was legit or not. What's posted on this site not only affects the integrity of our site but myself as well as our dedicated team of volunteers. We pride ourselves in giving Navy Families a credible and safe place to learn about Navy Life. And, we would never jeopardize the safety of one of our Sailors serving while doing so.


With that said, I would like to thank everyone involved in this discussion and hope that we can continue a healthy debate on this subject. This was part of my inspiration in building this site. To provide a place where you can find answers to your question's from not only a dads perspective but from the families perspective as well. In doing that we have always welcomed the moms, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, family members, & Navy supporters to join us. For more background information about who we are and how we got started please visit our "About Us" page as well as "How NavyDads Got Started".



Elmo Moore

NavyDads.Com Creator






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