Navy Dads

my son is in navy boot camp graduating (hopefully!) Nov 5. Finally got his first phone call - butl he told mom that his spot in AECF school won't be available for 6 months! He was told that he had two options - "clean ships" for 6 months or change jobs so he picked --navy corpsman??? I'm very frustrated and upset - felt that he was pressured into this change. We had talked about his choice of navy careers very carefully during his 6 months of DEP - I don't understand this sudden change. I tried his navy recruiter - got the response that "hey, he's over 18, he can make his own choices..." Right, let's take a 20 year-old guy who has never been away from home before; put him in a physically-, intellectually- and emotionally- intense environment for 4 weeks; then pressure him into a decision that will affect the next 5 or 6 years of his life! Guess I'm niave, but I thought the military didn't pull this crap anymore...If my son has weighed his options and truly believes this is the right choice for him -great!! But, my heart tells me that he was forced into accepting this job change - and that hes's stuck. So my questions to you all -- 1) Is it too late for him to change his mind about going back to AECF? -- 2) it's obviously not an emergency but I would like to talk to him asap - any realistic chance of that happening? -- 3) I truly believe that he has been duped by the whole enlistment process - who can I complain to? I would appreciate any info on this matter. thanks for your support Ed

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1) of the most honored rates in the Navy and held in the highest esteem by the Marines. If he has the chops for it what a great rate!! As far as going back....don't know if that is possible at all.

2) No way

3) we havwe a link of who to contact for ship and division numbers in the bootcamp group. recruiters have virtually nothing to do with decsions made at Great Lakes though
Paul thanks for yr reply Didn't intend any disrespect for Navy corpsman... I willd be very proud and happy if my son makes it in that rate. I just feel he was forced into that field. I have the contact info for him at RTC - just frustrated at the "snail mail" form of communication

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
1) of the most honored rates in the Navy and held in the highest esteem by the Marines. If he has the chops for it what a great rate!! As far as going back....don't know if that is possible at all.

2) No way

3) we havwe a link of who to contact for ship and division numbers in the bootcamp group. recruiters have virtually nothing to do with decsions made at Great Lakes though
Jim thanks for replying, too. As I said, if Navy corpsman works for my son - great - I'm a pharmacist myself, so I'm a big fan of careers in the medical field. I understand the "needs of the navy" concept, but I still feel what the navy has done really sucks, to be crude about it. Despite our fears and all that we had heard about the recruitment tactics of the military, my son and our family made the mistake of trusting the process. Again, my son was given a guarantee - "join up, we promise you AECF training; you hold up your end and make it through boot and the schools and we will give you that training. Now , 4 weeks into boot they tell him "sorry, schools are full for 6 months , you can clean buildings for six months or switch to another field." My son was in DEP for 8 months- there was plenty of time for the Navy to determine that his field of choice was full and give him a heads-up a week before deployment - "hey, your rate is booked - either choice among these rates or be prepared to spin your wheels for six months waiting for an opening." My son gets time to make a choice that works for him, with time to discuss it with his friends, girlfriend and family. And the Navy wins because the can fill up rates with sailors who really want to be there, not just pressured to choose. Got to say, Jim, I'm very bitter and disillusioned about this. Thanks again for your reply Ed

NavyDads Co-Admin, Jim said:
Ed, I would like to echo what Paul just said. A Navy Corpsman is one of the most honorable rates/jobs in the Navy. The only way you will be able to talk to him now is if he calls you and you won't have much air time. Keep one thing in mind, you will hear this term used a lot here: "the needs of the Navy".
That takes priority over most. Trust us dad, your son will be and do just fine. It sounds like to me that he had a good up-bringing with parents that care, so he probably has a good head on his shoulders.
Hi Ed.., I honor your son's decision to reclassify as a Navy Corpsman. Few jobs in the Navy command the level of respect and trust across all services as to simply be called "Doc" by those he serves alongside.

Additionally, the Medial Corps is greatly undermanned. This will lead to greater opportunity in the future should he opted to apply for STA-21, go back to school and get his commission as a Medical Officer. The future is bright for this young man.

Here are some links to get more information.., perhaps it will help put your mind at ease.

A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community, For all Military Services. Great Site!

..and should he opt to go FMST...

FMST Student Manual - 2008 Web Edition

Field Medical Training Battalion - East

Field Medical Service Technician

I personally have great admiration for those who serve in this billet. Please send your son our best wishes - Godspeed. . ..
BTW - NDx2 Jr PIR's on 11/05 also. There's a discussion group out on the Bootcamp group. Feel free to join us (the both of us :p).
you're right jim, that magic wand would come in handy right now... I know, boot is the first challange for him and at least that seems to be going ok. As I said, if he's happy with his choice, God bless and I support him 100%. thanks again

NavyDads Co-Admin, Jim said:
Well, Ed, I just hope for the best for your son. Hopefully, things will turn out ok. It's possible to change rates down the road. Don't ya wish you could just wave a magic wand? Let's get him through boot and keep in mind a lot of things can happen/change in 8 weeks. Hang in there.
thanks for the links will check them out today. Any info on where most corpsman are posted? Obviously hospitals, but I reaaly wanted him to get a taste of life aboard a ship. He's always had a love for boats and the ocean. thanks again ed th

NDx2 said:
Hi Ed.., I honor your son's decision to reclassify as a Navy Corpsman. Few jobs in the Navy command the level of respect and trust across all services as to simply be called "Doc" by those he serves alongside.

Additionally, the Medial Corps is greatly undermanned. This will lead to greater opportunity in the future should he opted to apply for STA-21, go back to school and get his commission as a Medical Officer. The future is bright for this young man.

Here are some links to get more information.., perhaps it will help put your mind at ease.

A Medical Enlisted Military Web Community, For all Military Services. Great Site!

..and should he opt to go FMST...

FMST Student Manual - 2008 Web Edition

Field Medical Training Battalion - East

Field Medical Service Technician

I personally have great admiration for those who serve in this billet. Please send your son our best wishes - Godspeed. . ..
Oh, man.., the list of HM NEC's (Navy Enlisted Classifications) is huge. FMST (HM-8404) & SAR (HM-8401) quickly come to mind. HM's serve on surface ships, within the sub community and in support of forward deployed forces.

Check out...

You ask about Deep Water Navy? Ask any SAR Corpsman if there's a better view of the ocean possible than while dangling from a fast rope tied off to an HS-60S hovering at 30ft asl.
wow, that's the kind of adventure I wanted for my son. of course, I'm not the one dangling from that rope...

NDx2 said:
Oh, man.., the list of HM NEC's (Navy Enlisted Classifications) is huge. FMST (HM-8404) & SAR (HM-8401) quickly come to mind. HM's serve on surface ships, within the sub community and in support of forward deployed forces.

Check out...

You ask about Deep Water Navy? Ask any SAR Corpsman if there's a better view of the ocean possible than while dangling from a fast rope tied off to an HS-60S hovering at 30ft asl.
In reference to ED about his son changeing rates. First of all Ed I can see you never been in the
military. Jim and Paul are right about ( the needs of the Navy). The kids are so soft today it scares me.
Be thankfull that he won't be getting shot at!!! Yes Ed I'am a Vietnam Veterean, and dam proud of it.
I don't have boys but girls instead. Which I have one going to Navy boot. Her rate MA. See Ed I tell it
like it is, Life is what you make of it.
David B
Dave thanks for your reply. Yes Dave, you're right - i've never been in the military. It's people like you and (I assume) Jim and Paul and so many others who have made that sacrifice so that everyone else - like me - can enjoy life in this great country. Are the kids today soft? Yeah, I guess so. But it's always been like that, down through the generations. I work very hard to give my kids a better life than I had - just like my parents and my grandparents wanted to do for me. As for the needs of the Navy; I still believe in my son's situation there was some deception and coercion involved the process of his change of rating from AECF field to Navy corpsman; for the reasons I've stated before. That being said, I remain very happy and proud of his decision to enlist and know his years of Navy service will be very exciting and rewarding. Congrats on your daughter's pending enlistment - please keep us all posted on her progress. thanks again Ed

David B said:
In reference to ED about his son changeing rates. First of all Ed I can see you never been in the
military. Jim and Paul are right about ( the needs of the Navy). The kids are so soft today it scares me.
Be thankfull that he won't be getting shot at!!! Yes Ed I'am a Vietnam Veterean, and dam proud of it.
I don't have boys but girls instead. Which I have one going to Navy boot. Her rate MA. See Ed I tell it
like it is, Life is what you make of it.
David B
Interest wall comment by a young man on the USN Nuke site on Facebook.

"I tried getting into hospital corpsman, but my recruiter just told me that it's currently unavailable. Since I scored highly on the ASVAB, he's suggesting that I go into nuclear. I am a licensed x-ray tech with a Bachelor's in Science, what can I provide with a health care background? Can I still be a health care professional in nuclear?"

Both situations seem at odds with one another.




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