Navy Dads


I'm Mark and I'm new to the site. I enjoy reading all the comments. My son is now out in S.D. and has been out there for about one year. He enjoys what he's doing and is still learning on the job. He was at Goose Creek for his training. Hard work but it has served him well. He tells us the underways are tough but you quickly get into a routine. Loves the Navy Life.

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My name is Jamie. My step-son Jimmie is in the Nuke Division, He is in South Carolina for A-School. Couldn't be more proud of him for joining the Navy. It's nice to be able to talk to him on the phone now. We live in northern Wisconsin so we don't get to see him.
Hi, my name is Scott my son is new to the Navy he is SC. for A school too he just got there on 18/July /2009 I am Proud of him also nice to find this site to talk to other Navy parents

jamie cline said:
My name is Jamie. My step-son Jimmie is in the Nuke Division, He is in South Carolina for A-School. Couldn't be more proud of him for joining the Navy. It's nice to be able to talk to him on the phone now. We live in northern Wisconsin so we don't get to see him.

Hello my son just graduated Power school on 9-25-09. His class was relieved. So was I. He is doing prototype in Goose Creek. Just remember SUPPORT your sailor. A-school and Powe school can be very diffucult. Feel free to ask any questions. Thanks, Tim
My son celebrates four years in the Navy 1/3/10... He's been an ET SPU at Ballston Spa since 10/07... I'm glad I found this site...I've done my share of research re Nukes... I'd be glad to offer any help I can...Wow, no spaces between sentences!!! ...LOL
Since my last post my son has left lovely San Diego for Portsmouth NH. I actually spent time there on business several years ago and although he misses SD, he is getting used to NH. At least he's much closer to home (PA) than before. He loves his job and continues to do well. We're very proud of him. I recently told him he made a great choice going into the Navy after one year of college. It has provided him clear direction and upward mobility.



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