Navy Dads

I am happy, no proud to say that our son Anthony was sworn in today.  What an opportunity it was to be able to view his swearing in ceremony.  Since we live about 2 hours from the MEPS in Milwaukee, we drove up this morning and spent the morning with him.  He called us later in the afternoon to say he got to Boot Camp.

Is there any issue of us posting the pics/video of the ceremony?


Scott D

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That is awesome!  We're also about 2 hours away (in the opposite direction) and plan on being there for the swearing in.

I hope there isn't an issue posting pics/video.  I would love to see it!

Yeah, it was a great experience for us.  We are actually 45 minutes away from Great Lakes so it feels so weird that he is that close, yet untouchable.  But we are happy for him and can't wait for the next call or first letter.

I'm excited for you!  Congratulations!

Scott DeSantis said:

Yeah, it was a great experience for us.  We are actually 45 minutes away from Great Lakes so it feels so weird that he is that close, yet untouchable.  But we are happy for him and can't wait for the next call or first letter.

...If you liked that....wait until P.I.R......Best wishes for your Son!


post away...

Ok can anyone please tell me the answer to this question because I have no idea... my fiance is in bootcamp ship 12 div 308 she graduates on 28sep12 and attends a school in great lakes.. when she is done with a school we plan on getting married the day she gets back home.. since we will be married would I be able to move with her to her first base ... and how do I need to go about all of this .. is there any policys or regs that I must follow and we would have to most likely get an apt because there is iusally a wait for base housing and its sometims based off of rank.. what should I do
Also does the navy help us with moving .. like do they ship all of our stuff to us wherever we go or is that all on me

silly question talk of her first base----as a "deck hand" ever consider that her first duty station will be on a ship?

We went to our son swearing in  Houston.  I was so proud but it was sad to see out of 15 recruits only 5 had family members showed up.

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