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If anyone has a son or daughter that has the rate of OS can you post where they got stationed after A school? Im just curious because this is my rate and I leave in June.


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I assume you are leaving to boot camp in June, if that is correct then you will go to Great Lakes as you probably know. On the day you graduate you will be able to spend an hour or two with your family at the NEX then you will report back to your "SHIP" or barracks. You will pack your belongings and march or walk across the street to the actual base. You will go through an orientation then assigned a new ship. Your family will probably be able to pick you up at about 1700. You will probably have liberty from 0500 to 2200 on the first weekend. You will probably be moved to a diffrent ship after a few days, then start 'A' school. So to answer your question, 'A' school for OS is at Great Lakes.

Good Luck,


thanks for your response...I should have been more clear tho I meant after A school where are people with this rate getting stationed
R.L. said:


I assume you are leaving to boot camp in June, if that is correct then you will go to Great Lakes as you probably know. On the day you graduate you will be able to spend an hour or two with your family at the NEX then you will report back to your "SHIP" or barracks. You will pack your belongings and march or walk across the street to the actual base. You will go through an orientation then assigned a new ship. Your family will probably be able to pick you up at about 1700. You will probably have liberty from 0500 to 2200 on the first weekend. You will probably be moved to a diffrent ship after a few days, then start 'A' school. So to answer your question, 'A' school for OS is at Great Lakes.

Good Luck,


It is impossible to determine where you will be stationed after A school. My daughter and two others in her class went to Sasebo Japan. You will get your orders about 2/3 through school. With your rate you will more than likely be assigned to a ship somewhere but there is a chance that you can get assigned to an air base. Also, your orders can always change at the last minute.

If I remember correctly, there were about a dozen recruits in that class and they recieved several different orders.

There are other options that the Navy can utilize you for but I am not sure what I can/should say here. If you send me a personal message I will give you my email address.

My daughter has done well and I am sure you will too. 

Hope this helps.



OS is a rating (job), not a rate(rank).

The difference between Rate/Rating trips up everyone.

R.L., My daughter is also stationed in Sasebo on the Germantown.

R.L. said:

It is impossible to determine where you will be stationed after A school. My daughter and two others in her class went to Sasebo Japan. You will get your orders about 2/3 through school. With your rate you will more than likely be assigned to a ship somewhere but there is a chance that you can get assigned to an air base. Also, your orders can always change at the last minute.

If I remember correctly, there were about a dozen recruits in that class and they recieved several different orders.

There are other options that the Navy can utilize you for but I am not sure what I can/should say here. If you send me a personal message I will give you my email address.

My daughter has done well and I am sure you will too. 

Hope this helps.


Pretty much if you are OS it will be shipboard. My daughter is OS-2

and has been attached to an Amphib since A school. She says they

are always understaffed.

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