Navy Dads

We attended our son Matt's PIR on 09/14. Did a lot of homework before hand to get as much info as we could and it paid off.


We stayed at Spring Hill Suites in Waukegan, about 4 miles from the base. Outstanding Hotel, they have a Special rate of $119 a night for PIR families. Excellant accomidations and staff bent over backwards for all the Navy families.


Attended SArge's Meet and Great at the Sun Dance Saloon, (right across the street from Spring Hill). Aver 250 attended, meet a lot of other familes and made some good friends. SArge gives out some great information. Sarge and his wife supply a buffet dinner for free, the SAloon donates the hall. Sarge does this for every PIR amazing.


Gates open at 0630 to let people in (the Ohio Ave Gate) we arrived at 0545 hrs and were the 8th car in line. MAke sure you have your vehicle pass printed out and its on the dash board, have your Drivers Lic, Ins card and Registration ready to show the MA at the gate. You are directed to park in the parking garage, walk into vistior center to be screened (must have picture ID) thn short walk to PIR hall.


When you get into the hall you will see the numbers were the divisions are to line up, hopefully you can get near your Sailors Division. For taking Pics/Videos it is best in the balcony.


After PIR you get to take your sailor to Liberty, unless they are staying in GL, then they have to be processed into A school about 5 hrs. Those shipping out to other bases can leave right away. WE had to have out MAtt back on base at 1900. We then drove to airport in the morning and spent 4 hrs with him before his flight. You can get a gate pass to take your Sailor to the plane, you must get it when he/she checks in at the airline.


All in all a 100% positive experience

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Thanks for sharing this Bob! PIR is definitely an unforgettable experience. Congrats to you and BZ to Matt! We stayed at SpringHill Suites too (:

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