Navy Dads

We got a phone call from my daughter in boot camp this morning. Hannah was given thirty minutes to talk to her family. Boy, is she homesick. I assured her that she's not alone feeling that way. She agreed. Hannah is just into week three and the pressure is really getting to her. I think hearing our voices broke her defenses a little bit but my wife and I only encouraged her to continue and things WILL change. Several recruits have dropped out she said and she's getting yelled at...a lot! I had forewarned her about that and to not take it personally but just strive to get better. I told her too, to focus on the task at hand and that she'll get through it.

My wife had a tough time of it as did I. However, Hannah did have some positive things to say. She's getting better at the fitness part of things and she has been given a good job, and while stressful, is helping her learn quicker. We talked about getting yo see her at PIR and to look forward to that day. It will come.

I could tell she didn't want the call to end but after the time was up she had to go. We both stressed that we love her, believe in her and support her 100%, and with that the call ended. I believe it helped her to hear a familiar voice (two a actually) and that we're still here because from her perspective it must seem like the real world, the one she knew has disappeared. We assured her in that time, it hasn't. Bigger and better things await her if she just hangs in there.

The fact that MY daughter is actually folding clothes, Completely blows my mind.

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That's the downfall to a call at three weeks....much better to wait until week 4 when they start to leave home behind and become part of the Navy family.....

I think so to. It isn't really a full three weeks yet either so the recruits are still feeling their way through things and getting used to Navy life. However, we where glad to hear her voice and let her know more letters are on the way. We've been writing one a day for the past ten days or so. She won't be without reading material. Ha!

Thanks for the note; I loved your comment about folding cloths.  After three years in the Navy our son has gone from gonzo-maxi-slob to one of the neatest people I've ever met.  :)

Your advice to her was great, "focus on the task at hand", everything else will pretty much work itself out and PIR will be here before she knows it.

That's how I feel about it too. I told her before shipping out it would go by quickly and just take it day at a time.

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