Navy Dads

I have spent the last hour in vain trying to download a parking pass for my son's PIR next Friday.  I am sure I am not the only one having difficulty.  I have attempted this on two different computers as advised.  Still, no-go.  I suppose the wife and I are now forced to take the shuttle from the hotel - if there is one.  I would very much like to know what is being done about this.  If we have to take the shuttle, or a cab, what do we need just to get in?

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If you take the shuttle you will need photo ID and be on your sailor's guest list.

As far as the parking pass issue, you would have to ask the Navy...consider dropping the PAO a line at RTC:


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There was never any screen to enter the password.  Up came a download option screen asking to open or save the .pdf file.  Then I get a message saying the file is corrupt.

I also called the RTC number and as expected, got a recorded message then a dead line.

Make sure you have Adobe Reader or equivalent or an application that can open PDFs installed as the parking pass is a PDF file

I use a Mac (IMAC), Firefox and have Adobe (latest version).  Still nothing.  Am going to ask a friend with a PC to try for me.  Last resort.  Then it's the shuttle....

the only ohter thing I can think of is a security setting or that Firefox isn't configured for an app to open PDF's.....I'm at work so cannot really help, but I've had that issue in the past at home....of course I don't remember what I did to solve it....under Tools Add-Ons you can see if somethin is diabled....also under Tools Options there is an Applications tab that shows what programs are associated with file extensions....

I download .pdf files all the time, so that is not the issue.  The message I keep getting refers to a file corruption.  What's really strange is is that the password entry window/field is somehow bypassed and I get the .pdf document download window as if the password has been accepted.  Thanks for your help, Paul.


I had the same issues at first. I use a Mac. I had better luck opening in in Firefox. Safari only revealed a blank page. The password is in ALL CAPS.

Hugh, I've about exhausted my ideas.....other than making sure that you have the latest versions of Adobe and Firefox running...time to look at trying on a different system....usually we can resolve these sorts of issues, but without seeing your system and configs, I'm about at the end of my rope!  Sorry for not being able to do more!!!!!!!


If you take the shuttle, which we are taking from the Courtyard on Friday morning you won't need the pass I presume.  I'm not sure how we found out about the shuttle, but it might be the best way to attend anyway.  No parking and traffic issues that way.  I've up loaded the parking pass, but you will need the password that was sent with the letter you received. It is case sensitive.  Just refer to page two of the initial letter your son sent regarding PIR and the guest list. Does that help?



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