Navy Dads

I got my son's letter today stating his graduation date is 01 May 2015, Ship 12 Div 166.  He left for boot camp on March 4.  We received his initial phone call that let us know that he arrived.  Surprisingly and unfortunately, I received a phone call from my son today (March 14) and I wasn't there to pick it up but he left a message stating that boot camp was trying for him, stress week is no joke, but he's doing his best and that he misses and loves us.  

I read a post about missing the phone call and it could possibly be that my son earned a reward?  At least here's hoping because I also read through the graduation letter and it states that "if a recruit experienced a delay in training due to illness, injury or test failure, they will be given the opportunity to call the person of their choice to advise her/him of their situation", so, I'm worried and hopeful.  If anyone can elaborate if they received a phone call so soon and if it was a good thing or bad thing, I'd appreciate it. 

Other than that, thank you for letting me share my thoughts and thank you for having this community/resources available.

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Don't over-analyze it as it will drive you nuts-Unless you hear otherwise, accept that it was a missed call and nothing more.  If it were bad news you would receive it and I'm pretty sure he would have left that message.

Thank you for the responses.  I will heed your suggestions.  May the rest of your weekend be relaxing and fun.

That second phone call, whether you've pick it up or left on voicemail to listen to -- I'd say is the "I'm homesick/What the heck am I doing here?" type of phone call. And yes, Like Jim and Paul have expressed hang in there and don't over-analyze it.

Welcome to the "Missed the Phone Call" Club! Here's my short blog about this on here:

Keep the faith...

My son left March 4 as well and he called us Sat. My son is in ship 12 also. They were allowed to call and everything was fine.


My son left March 4 as well and he called us Sat. My son is in ship 12 also. They were allowed to call and everything was fine.

Thank you for the reply and comfort.  

My son also called Saturday all was well

My son left February 26th we received the "2am" call that he's there and alive. We haven't had any contact since, if we did get a call he didn't leave a message. It's driving my wife nuts to hear all the others that are receiving calls from others in his division. I look at it no news is good news any serious issues and we would know. 

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