Navy Dads

So, my wife informs me that we will be meeting at 5:30-8 at The Sun Dance Saloon for one of the many meet and greets. RSVP are required, please call 847-212-0246. If you want some camaraderie and meet some like-minded folks...this is the place to be. We are staying at the Courtyard Marriot in Waukegan. Hope to see many of you there. Anchors away...

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SSG LoGiudice - I too am staying at same hotel and going to the Sundance saloon. I walked over there this afternoon - about 10 minute walk. Look forward to meeting you there.


Hal Hoadley

Hi SSG Logiudice, Had a great time at the graduation. My plesure meeting you and your Mrs. Hope your daughter got off to "A" school without any glitches.

I spent a couple more days in Chicago with my daughter. She is finding her way at Great Lakes and will be there for several more months. Looks like I'll be going back to visit het one more time before she ships out.

Found out the place closes down for the holidays so she will be coming home for the holidays for two weeks. She'll appreciate the warmer weather here in So Cal.

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Best regards,

Hal Hoadley

Hal, it was nice to hang out and swap stories, funny how two people from different states and different ages can have so much in common.  I was happy to meet the father of the daughter that befriended my daughter before she even headed off to bootcamp. 

She flew out to her "A" School on Sat approx 1400 hours.  We visited with her from 0330 until she left, it was nice getting a security pass to get past the gate.  I only wish we took her out to eat...she was concerned about leaving the airport.

We had a really nice visit with her...the USN needs to change their protocol, because a lot of parents spend a good amount of money to come and visit their kids after graduation, and get only a few hours with their kids.  I was in the Marines, and we got 10 days after bootcamp.  

We spoke with her yesterday and today.  She has a new room-mate and is adjusting to the early hours and going to bed early as well.  It makes me proud to know this is the first lesson she is learning.

She gets 4 days of liberty starting today, she got to eat a Turkey dinner today and will probably go to bed late and wake up later then usual for the next few days.  It will give her a chance to feel human and like a civilian again.  She can't however, leave the base during Phase I of her school, that seems a bit extreme, but who am I to say anything.  I am just going off my personal experiences.  

She is excited to start training...Dec 3 2012 will be a day or reckoning.  The rubber meets the road, I think she will do fine.  I know a lot of her training will be a mixture of classroom and hands-on, which is what she was looking for.

More later, I can post on here from time to time to keep in touch with you.  You do the same.  Perhaps we will meet again.  Courtney will most likely be stationed in your neck of the woods.  It will be nice to have a local she can connect with...if needed. I'd hate to impose...but I will do the same should yours gets stationed back in the Portland area.

Thanks for sitting down and chatting.  


The Chiro...

Michael, Yes, by all means, I would be disappointed if you and your daughter didn't touch base with me if she gets a duty assignment near by. Contact me in an email so we can exchange contact info. My direct email:

The military has changed conciderably since I was serving. Some good, some not so good. Agreed, parents spent a lot to visit their child's graduation and only getting a few hours to spend with them after they were away for weeks is not kind. The very least they could do is allow them the weekend with their parents or significant others. Especially, when they get to their destination they will be waiting around to days before they start more training.

Amanda is finding her way around the base. I know because we walked around the base twice. A city within itself. They have everything the sailor's need for entertainment, eating and shopping. I was dissappointed to see all the fast food establishments and only one chow hall. They must pay for food unless they can make it into the chow hall during operating hours. if not, if they want to eat, they must pay at the fast food places.

Amanda is going to be in Portland late December to pick up a few things. Not sure how long she'll be there - maybe you guys can hook up if she is there for any length of time. I'm still waiting for her to let me know what her schedule is going to be.

Talk again - use my email if you don't want to hang out here.


Hal Hoadley

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