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Our daughter is scheduled to graduate on this day. Hoping the weather is better by then!

Yes, I am so praying for better weather. Pretty bad when 0 degrees is better than now. Lol

Yeah! I saw that it was -5 this morning, but when I took the dog out, it didn't feel nearly as bad as the past couple of days. So I can imagine if it hits 0 today, I may think about taking my coat off. LOL!


Are you aware of the Sarge's Meet and Greet that happens the night before PIR? It sounds like a great thing, and we are looking forward to attending on the 6th.

Yes, we are defiantly going to the Meet and Greet. I actually just got off the phone with Sarge. What a nice guy! Gave me lots of advice about renting a car even though he owns a taxi company.

Very cool! Where will you be travelling from?  We are in Kenosha, WI, so just over the border.

Hello, my son will be graduating this day as well. Can you tell me about Sarge? I have heard of him but that is about it. Thanks.

Ron Holst said:

Very cool! Where will you be travelling from?  We are in Kenosha, WI, so just over the border.

Ron, We are flying from Lakeland, Fl. Out of Tampa to Milwaukee then renting a car from there if the weather is not bad. Kinda nervous about it though because we have never seen snow much less much less driven in it. Freddie, Sarge owns a taxi company that takes fantastic care of Sailors and their families. He host a meet and greet on the Thurs. night before that is supposed to be very nice and informative.

check our weather widget in the PIR group:

Michael....just keep an eye on the weather. As long as it doesn't snow a couple days before PIR you should be fine. They do a good job of keeping the main roads cleared around here. It still may not hurt to have a Plan B in place, just in case. As Jim suggested, call Sarge. If the weather ends up being bad, you can always cancel your rental car and get a ride from Sarge.
Michael James O'Neil said:

Ron, We are flying from Lakeland, Fl. Out of Tampa to Milwaukee then renting a car from there if the weather is not bad. Kinda nervous about it though because we have never seen snow much less much less driven in it. Freddie, Sarge owns a taxi company that takes fantastic care of Sailors and their families. He host a meet and greet on the Thurs. night before that is supposed to be very nice and informative.

Freddie....check out this link:


It not only talks about Sarge, but also about his Meet and Greet that he sponsors the night before PIR. It sounds like a great event, and my wife and I plan on attending.

Freddie Eugene Green, Jr. said:

Hello, my son will be graduating this day as well. Can you tell me about Sarge? I have heard of him but that is about it. Thanks.

Ron Holst said:

Very cool! Where will you be travelling from?  We are in Kenosha, WI, so just over the border.

My son will graduate this day as well. We are looking forward to being able to see him. Have you heard from your sailor?

She was able to call home on Christmas day, and also last Sunday afternoon (1/5). Also have received one letter fro her. That is it so far. She did mention on her last call that she would not be able to call again for a while. Not sure how long that will be. Only 25 more days til PIR!
Freddie Eugene Green, Jr. said:

My son will graduate this day as well. We are looking forward to being able to see him. Have you heard from your sailor?

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