Navy Dads

For 11 - 9 Divisions (069-076 and 911)

Hoping for clear roads and no snow for graduation.  We southerners don't do well in the snow!

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coming from where?  That is my sons PIRT Ship 12 Div 072, 

Ship 11 Div 069

Ouch that is a trip. Hope your flying. Hate flying into Chicago in the winter.
What is the meet & greet?
A little over 10 days. Going to the Meet & Greet. Miss my son, got a call this last Sunday. He said they have lots of stars on their flag, and that was the reason they got to call. We weren't expecting anything until after Battlestations. He sounded good. Qualified as Sharpshooer on weapons. Has the gas chamber this week. He also said his "A" school went from 95 days to 34 weeks. So he will be in Pensecola for 9 months. I am betting he willl like that weather better than GL. Hope to meet some of you there.

Ditto on everything you said Jim!  It's going to be a great day!

You guys with your letter.....I have gotten one. I did get a call on Sunday evening,. and probably have talked to him 4 times. So I felel lucky.  Most of the calls have been needing infomraion for his background check.  His GF, has gotten 4 or 5 letter.


One week. can't wait, been in prayer for him this entire time. Battle Statsions 21 should be happening at anytime.  Hope to meet some of you in a week.


Just got the call from my son.  He has completed Battle Stations.  No longer a Recruit. He's officially a Sailor now.  One proud Dad!

Great news Mike,  my son is in  Division 072.  I know they can take 2 divisions at a time. I don't know if they ar run in order......will definitely have the phone with me at all times.  Congrats!!!!!

I hope you get that direct call too Jim.  It will be worth the wait!

Same boat here JIM & TIM!! Coming from SE Louisiana! We're about halfway between Baton Rouge & New Orleans on the Miss. River! Found a direct flight via Southwest out of N.O. to Milwaukee on Thursday, by-passing O'Hare, Atlanta or even Dallas! Waukegan/Great Lakes is halfway between Milwaukee & Chicago, so we'll drive down. Then if they ship out Saturday to A school we'll drive down to O'hare to see them off! Then fly back home Sunday. We will, by the way, attend Sarge's meet & greet Thursday night.

The cold snowy weather will bring back memories for me. My mother's family was from North Dakota, we spent Christmas in Bismark one year! Also have a late Uncle (Ret. U.S.A.F. Brig. Gen) was stationed @ Minot A.F.B. same time; we went up to visit, then drove back to Bismark in a near blizzard! It was "more fun" than driving in fog! Lol!

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