Navy Dads

For 11 - 9 Divisions (069-076 and 911)

Hoping for clear roads and no snow for graduation.  We southerners don't do well in the snow!

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Well, I have to say, they did it right! If I remember correctly, an un-precedented 5 divisions got HOF honors this week! Lots of snow & bone chilling cold last 2 days. Sarge's meet & greet was great, I can tell he is a welcome asset to RTC families. By the way Paul, Sarge gave us the same "short cut" directions & it was perfect. The snow conditions made it slow but we were in the parking garage within 35 mins after leaving the hotel. Very proud of our new sailor/EM/Fireman, & we were up extra early (3a.m. this morning) to see him & several shipmates off on an 8:35 flight from O'Hare. Heading back to SE Louisiana tomorrow. Enjoyed getting to meet you in person Jim.

What a great ceremony it was. Got to meet Mike, our sons are headed to the same "A" school.  There was a world of difference in my son. He has a plan and was sharing that with us, he has goals, that he has set for himself, and his GF. 

We went to the airport, and his flight didn;t leave until 12:20, so we were at Miday for abiout 8 hours. Got up at 2:00 am to meet him there. I thnk it was harder seeing him walk through the gate and get on his plane, than it was when we took him to MEPS to leave for Boot Camp.  At that point I knoew my son would never be under my roof again.  I am so proud, but WOW, it is life altering for both of us.


One thing my wife and I talked about, I am certain that there were some who wasn't able to have family there for graduation for vasious reasons,  it would have been nice to have treated one of those sailrs to a day off base and a meal other than a Navy meal.  I think a good idea may be a "adopt a sailor",  we have done this at our church during the holidays, as we live close to a training facility. Just a thought.


It was awesome our on 25 Jan. Couldn't be any prouder of all the men and woman. Now looking to go to Florida to see my so soon. Good luck to all my fellow shipmates. 

My son just graduated Feb 1.  May I recommend Sarge's meet and greet the evening before.  I got there late because of my flight into Midway and rush hour traffic, but it was well worth the time and effort.  He gives a tip on getting there which enables you to bypass some traffic.  Also, if I had to do it over again I would sit in the lower section.  Upper or lower, there's a chance you might not be able to pick out your graduate.

I'll bet that tip is what we have in the PIR group at:

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