Navy Dads

Ordered a Challenge Coin for my son when he graduates Boot and thought I'd show you guys what it looks like. Ordered it from off eBay and transaction was smooth and quick. Placed order on Jan 2 and was in mail today. I looked hard to find a Challenge Coin that I thought would represent to my son his accomplishment in graduating and most coins I found would do that, but this coin showing his ship number on one side and RTC on the other just captures it perfectly. I recommend if you want a similar coin to check his listings.

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yes, actually I did. I particularly liked the RTC coin w/anchor, especially at half the price I paid for the coin I ended up with. It was a coin toss (pun intended) on which to buy and only reason I went with the one I did was because it had his barracks ship on it. I had made a post before about wanting to build a model ship of the USS Marvin Shields and present that to him but am unable to find a decent model to purchase. So, for me, I killed two birds with one stone by buying the challenge coin I did with his barracks name on it.

Please don't feel I'm trying to slight your offerings as they are indeed worth a close look. And I appreciate you not taking issue with me posting about another supplier. A little more tact would have been prudent on my part.

no worries- just wanted to make sure you were aware NavyOutfitters has an extensive catalog of everything from coins to wine glasses and almost everything between

That's what I got my son for his graduation. The USS Kearsarge coin. He loved it!

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