Navy Dads

Still recovering from my sons PIR on 06 Feb and WOW is all I can say. If you think you were proud of your recruit, just wait till you see your sailor! Incredible event.

the down side is the hours on liberty call are of course far too short and the
Sunday evening when you return them to base for the last time is heartbreaking for us parents.

Enjoy the time you do have but please be mindful of the rules. As you might guess, your sailor is under scrutiny during liberty. Also please be mindful of your new family members at the ceremony (down in front please).
After liberty call, you will have about 15 minutes to find your sailor and leave the building.
Everyone in attendance was wonderful.
Bring your patience as traffic ingress and egress takes time. The hours for liberty listed on the website for Great Lakes RTC are not carved in stone, in fact your sailors division may be required to stand muster at times other than stated. In my case, my son had specific times for return each day. Be sure to get to the base EARLY so your sailor can walk to their area and have time to get ready for check in. Remember there are no excuses for being late and you need to leave time for everyone else who is trying to get their sailor back on time. Time with your sailor in the parking lot at Chapel is just as good as time with them elsewhere.
By the way...bring tissues!

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Thanks you. I could feel the pride just welling up inside me as I read your post. I have til 13/March /09. If the experience is what you and everyone have said it will be I will have a hard time waiting for PIR. Thanks again, your post was very much appreciated.
I was at the PIR on 06 Feb my son is div. 094 & I have to agree with everything in your comment. Good luck to your sailor.
We were there at the same time! My son was is Div. 914, and he's now is San Antonio. Called tonight and he aced his first test, so he gets to wear civies and leave base (he just HAD to call and bragg!). Actually, I was rather amazed at how well things moved, considering the number of people that went through the gates. I will say this, GET THERE EARLY! makes life so much easier, even if you have to sit a while longer. The videos they show are rather entertaining, so it's not all boring while you wait. But, believe me, the show is worth the wait! Just trust your sailor's judgement about when he needs to get back and don't think he's trying to ditch you (that's what mom thought until I educated her). They worked too hard to get into trouble this late in the game.
My son is also at Lackland for master at arms training, he called me last night to tell me he passed his OC qualifications & is starting firearms next. Is your son also training for MA?
PIR was the greatest. I was like a kid when I saw my son enter. He was a "stick carrier" so he was easy to find. He is now in classes in P'cola. I continue to be a very proud Navy Dad and will continue forever. Congrats to all who PIR we are proud of each and everyone of them. They are all our kids and will be forever. Go Navy
Hey, Frank. Sorry so long getting back. Computer issues. Yeah, my boy is in MA training. He said they just got done with handgun training and are about to start shotgun and M16 this week. He's a gun freak like me so he's in hog heaven right now. He agreed with me that after doing the CS chamber in boot, OC spray was a walk in the park. My son is in Class 170. Yours?

frank said:
My son is also at Lackland for master at arms training, he called me last night to tell me he passed his OC qualifications & is starting firearms next. Is your son also training for MA?
Hey, Bert my son is also in class 170 & told me the same thing about the firearms training. Maybe there roomates LOL.
Hey Frank. I don' t think I ever asked you: what is your son's name? I'll ask my son Michael if he has met him. Apparently they are a pretty close-nit bunch so I'm betting that they at least know each other. I'm planning to come to San Antonio on 4/3 for his graduation, then we are flying out in the 4th to Pensacola for a few days to hang out and go diving. The USS Oriskany is lying on the bottom of the Gulf right off the coast, and we are planning to dive her while we're there.

frank said:
Hey, Bert my son is also in class 170 & told me the same thing about the firearms training. Maybe there roomates LOL.
Hey, Bert it turns out they are roommates my sons name is John. You are right they are a close bunch and from what I here they are all doing very well with the training and enjoying the experience. I wont be going to graduation my son told me he is coming home for 2 weeks the day after graduating. Have a good time in San An & your dive in FL. Be safe.
WOW is right you discribed it perfectly i just got back from my sons PIR wich was on the 17th and i haven't the words to say how i feel it's more then just proud.My son was a stick carrier for division 164 and seeing him leed his divion through those doors was incredible . I just joined Navydads today and i plan on spending a lot more time on this site.

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