Navy Dads

trying to help my son on his decision, I am non military. My son scored on the ASVAB high enough to qualify for Advanced Electronics and Aircrew. Are they exlusive of each other? He would like to be in the aviation community, does Aircrew have thier own A schools? I cant tell from reading the material.


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Aircrew does have their own "A" school. Ratings like AT (aviation electronics tech) and ET (electronics tech) may be where he would want to be, esp AT if he wants on an aircrew. What does his recruiter recommend? or has he even talked with him about it. Advanced electronics will include a "C" school as well. When it comes to aviation, there are many ratings that involve electronics. Talk with your recruiter, he can give you a listing of ratings and the jobs performed for each. This information is online at the Navy career website. Is your son in DEP? If so, get started on this decision process asap. Good luck.
Otto- thanks much. We met with the recruiter yesterday as he is going to MEPS probably the first week of September and hopfully get what he wants offered to him. From what I understand from the recruiter, Aircrew is a seperate path than Advanced Electronics - but she did not know if someone could go Advanced Electronics and then at some point go to Aviation Aircrew. She also said that he would have to qualify for Search and Rescue to get E-4 after aircrew school whereas Advanced Electronics he would get E-4 when he graduated from A school I believe. A bit confusing for us non military Dads but either one seems like a great program for my son.

Thank you again. Mike Nagel
Probably the best thing would be to look at each rating (for the job descriptions) and decide what to pursue. What would your son like to do? Does he want to be on the deck, or below? Then look at it from there. Making rate may not be as good as it seems if you have a job you don't like. Main thing is to know and understand about these job ratings before talking with the recruiter or classifier.
good advice - I think for now, he is set on pursuing Aircrew and the jobs attached to it - on the other hand, I just want to make sure he evaluates all his options to make sure he explores the opportunities - but he seems to be sticking to aircrew. I am with you, encouraging to find something to be passionate about, and do his very best.

Thank you again for your time. I really appreciate your help.

My son is at A school in P-cola right now. He is AS (Aviation Support Equipment Technician), and seems determined to be aboard a carrier or gator. Many of the aviation ratings go to P-cola for A school after boot camp. His rating is 114 days of A school and then most likely 6 weeks of C school (prob Jax NAS) before joining the fleet. Took him 8 weeks to to class-up (start attending your rating classes), so, get used to the hurry up and wait that the military is famous for. Boot Camp is a rush, so there is a bit of let down once they get out, but they are always kept busy.
Otto, quick question for you. Do the aircrew candidates have any choice of their source rating at the time of enlistment? my son is interested in the AW but not so interested in some of the other jobs- he qualifies ASVAB wise for advanced electronics but some of the other jobs don't look like they would spend much time on aircraft in flight.

Your thoughts?
To be honest, that is something he needs to discuss at MEPS. He has to score really well AND there have to be opportunities for aircrew at the time he is going in. Sometimes you have to make a decision whether you wait to go in in hopes of getting your chosen rating, of take the next best rating in order to go in as soon as it is possible. That answer probably doesn't help much. But asking the right question at the enlistment time is most critical. The aircrew path is seperate.
Otto- thanks- we cleared up the confusion with another recruiter that is AW. The sheet another recruiter gave him on AW was from 11/05 and tons of things have changed. The situation they told him presently is that if he can pass the PT test for search and rescue, there is a great chance he will get AW - if he wants to try non search and rescue, the odds go down significantly. He is going to schedule his PFT in San Diego in the next week. Thanks again for all your help. We were fortunate to find a recuriter that was AW that could guide us a bit.


Otto Mueller said:
To be honest, that is something he needs to discuss at MEPS. He has to score really well AND there have to be opportunities for aircrew at the time he is going in. Sometimes you have to make a decision whether you wait to go in in hopes of getting your chosen rating, of take the next best rating in order to go in as soon as it is possible. That answer probably doesn't help much. But asking the right question at the enlistment time is most critical. The aircrew path is seperate.
That sounds better. Good luck.
Michael, our son josh has been a at. for almost 8 years he loves what he does they are there Owen group and he got attached to the USS Vincent for his first sea duty. if your son loves aircraft this might be the place for him to be.

thanks for the help- that is very nice to hear. He takes his PST test on the 31st which I guess is required for Aircrew that want to go in as search and rescue qualified. I understand from his recruiter that is the biggest need in Aircrew right now so he stands a high chance of getting it if he passes. I have run him through the PST test twice and he passes all areas, just hope he can do it when it counts!!

Thanks again.

Mike Nagel

Rex said:
Michael, our son josh has been a at. for almost 8 years he loves what he does they are there Owen group and he got attached to the USS Vincent for his first sea duty. if your son loves aircraft this might be the place for him to be.

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