Navy Dads

My son was supposed to ship yesterday to Bootcamp but we are now awaiting the magical waiver or wait 16 days to reweigh. Turns out they changed the minimum weight requirements in March but failed to tell the DFW staff. So my son is now the first recruit denied boot camp for being too thin.

Has anyone else had this issue? And any advice besides making him eat constantly?

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There is really no "safe " way to put weight on in that short of time.........he has to consume more calories then he would normally, in a day..........Weight gainers are NOT SAFE.......

Clean carb's: Rice,pasta's, baked potatos, and have him lift some heavy weight's. As muscle weigh's more than fat.....
Seeing that he is skinny, theres a reson why! so it's gonna be a slow process for him........Plenty of water, the body iss made up of 70% water....water weight!!!!!

How many lbs does he need?

Good luck!!!!!!1
Hi Lyrae31..Hello Ed..... Lyrae31 i think Ed has asked the right question,how much weight does your son need to gain.
I disagree with trying to lift weights with such a short time till he reweighs as he'll will lose pounds before he starts bulking up by lifting.I would think that just by scarfing down the carbs and consuming water would do the most good in the short term,then the day of the weigh in eat a big meal and drink tons of water.In wrestling we would spit in a can all day if we needed to make weight then after weigh in we would put all of that fluid, plus, back in our bodies to get back to our normal weight.Fluid can make a huge difference both ways.
Then once he gets in,the Navy will put good weight on his body.
Best of luck !!!!!!!
Yes. Don't rush to gain the weight, he will get there healthy. See a nutritionist!!!! They can help. My daughter just had cancer surgery and had partial colon removal. She was always very thin and this completely knocked her down. A nutritionist recommended Benecal. It is a non-taste powder that can be sprinkled over food and will add approx. 3 lbs. per week onto a person. You will have to order it from a drug store. It is nonprescription. Stay away from typical weight gainers. Also don't hesitate to see your doctor for advice. Your son could gain the weight healthy and won't need to get a waiver. Remember, boot camp is going to burn a tremendous amount of calories so you don't want to arrive behind the energy curve. There will be more boot camp classes and if he has to wait a couple of monthe to reach a healthy weight, thats just a little more time you have with him so enjoy it. Be careful forcing water as he could very easily flush his electrolytes out which leads to heart issues etc. Take time and do it with medical advice and monitoring. I say forget the waiver, wait and go in strong. Best of luck to your son!!!!
Well, to update everyone. My son did get his waiver and went to GL for BC 26 June. I got a phone call from him Saturday, 18 July. Syaing he was coming home. Turns out the Navy is not for him. While he could handle they physical aspects, the classword and all it was the adjusting to being away from home that took its toll on him.

I know there is a reason for everything and am proud of him that he was able to admit he is not cut from the same cloth as others are.

Thank you all for the advice. It will come in handy when I get him home. Besides, his little sister is joing ROTC this year and looking to enlist in 4 years.

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