Navy Dads


AWO2 Stephen A. Gramza graduated from Great Lakes in May of 2008. After spending a month in the THU, he then shipped out to Pensacola, Fl. to begin his training as an Air Warfare Systems Operator. After successfully completing NACCS, he then joined VP-30 to further his training. He decided to go non-acoustic about a month into his training.


In December of 2009, he got married to the lovely lady you see in the picture. Stephen and Ashley have made their home in Jacksonville, FL. where Stephen is stationed and flies with The Pelicans of VP-45. Among other duties, Stephen operates the radar systems on board the P-3 Orion Sub Hunter. He is working very hard to earn his warfare wings and is very close. He passed his "check ride" and goes for his boards in late March.


Stephen is an avid sports fan. He and Ashley attended the Gator Bowl last year to see his beloved Michigan Wolverines play! The picture of them was taken as they were preparing to attend the Navy Ball last year. 


Trust me when I say that his mom and dad could not be prouder! salutes Petty Officer Gramza! HOOYAH!

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HooYah AWO2 Gramza (now where have I heard that name before?) !!
Bravo Zulu, Stephen!
AWO2 Stephen A. Gramza, Thank You for your Outstanding Service. Bravo Zulu and will keep you in my thought as you go for your boards.
Congratulations Stephen on Sailor of the Week! Also Congrats on your Marriage to a beautiful young Lady! Thank you for your Service. My best  to your Navy Life and Marriage!
Bravo Zulu Stephen. I know you make Your NavyDad proud.
Can I just "ditto" all the above remarks?!
Congrats to you! My son leaves for Pensacola after PIR on 3/11/11. Huge Wolverine fans here so your not alone!....Congrats again and GO BLUE
Congratulations to the sailor of the week!!!!

Congratulations Sailor, Heres to your future in Naval Aviation. What your parents must feel, very proud. 

enjoy the ride the navy has for you and your lovely wife.

ps, i was in VP-46 in 83' and 84'

Congratulations AWO2 Gramza!  Best wishes for all that you strive to achieve.  Thank you for your service to our country.

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