Navy Dads

So we got a call from our recruiter telling us they figured out why my son's ship date has now been pushed back to Jan 2018. Orignailly was June 2017, then August, now January. He's been in DEP for 13 months now.
Seems there was one person who okayed his security clearance and another who did not.
The recruiter we have had for the past 13 months just happened to leave the navy, going into civilian life, just a couple days after that call.
So we are now left trying to figure out where we go from here. We will meet ( hopefully) our new recruiter tomorrow. We don't have high hopes that they will know anything about our situation as they have a high learning curve coming in just a week ago.
I'm just curious if anyone knows about how the security clearances work.
Is it something where you have options for appeal? Is there any kind of option for recourse? Do we need to just accept it and move on, seeking to choose another path?
We really have no clue now what the future holds for his path in the navy.
Thanks for any advise/insight you have to share!

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Unfortunately, just about everything having to do with security clearances is a big s#%@ show right now. Ever since the big data breach at OPM everything pretty much ground to a halt and has taken forever to get moving again. I spent 20 years in the Navy with a secret clearance, followed by a year and a half of unescorted access to a nuclear power plant, and I've been waiting over 8 months now on my clearance for the DOE to come through. That should have taken about 2 weeks, tops. If there is a discrepancy with something in his clearance paperwork, it will get addressed eventually and he will have the chance to clear up any discrepancies. My guess, from the information you have here, is that his paperwork got kicked back by someone in the review chain for some sort of minor discrepancy and it just hasn't been addressed by the investigator or whoever is responsible to resolve the issue. Your recruiter is pretty much in the same boat you're in as far as getting information. At the mercy of whoever is next in line for processing the clearance. They don't really have any way of getting information other than what is filtered down to them. It sucks, but that's just the way it is. My advice is just hang in there. As long as he doesn't have a criminal record, or anything else detrimental, it will come through eventually. It's just a matter of time. Take this as your first lesson in "Hurry Up and Wait."

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