Navy Dads

Just got the form letter today (June 27, 2013). My son shipped out from Jackson, Mississippi, on June 13. Thought my wife was going to have a meltdown waiting by the mailbox daily. Anyone else out there with kids/loved ones on the same ship? His PIR is scheduled for August 16 and we will be there.

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My son is on Ship 12 Division 299 and will be graduating on August 16th as well.

It has been a very "trying time" to say the least on me having to adjust to not having him around every day.

But, we received the information regarding graduation and have booked our rooms for that day.

I had read in several posts on this website to stay at the Navy Lodge and we were able to book our room just this past Monday.  It's a great rate of $66 and no tax!

I understand it being a trying time completely. Now I know how my parents felt when I went to Army boot camp. I think we're staying at the Courtyard and will be taking the shuttle to graduation. Hope all goes well for your son and your trip there.
Got our first call this morning, a God send especially for mom. He sounded really positive and upbeat. Although he left on June 13, he told us he is in only week 1, day 3. He said he was in P-Days longer than usual because he had to wait for enough recruits to arrive to form another Division. He said it was actually a blessing in disguise because they had more time to study and prepare themselves, which gave them a head start over the others.

Great to hear.  We actually got the same call around 8am yesterday too basically saying the same thing.  8 weeks of boot camp is actually going to be 9, and that they have been doing things to prepare themselves for the next several weeks.

I had been watching our mail for any sort of letter from our son, but he said they haven't been allowed to send or receive mail yet.  Hopefully that was going to start today or tomorrow.

Good to hear you got a phone call and a chance to talk with your son.  I know how much the call meant to me and our family.

It's been a good week this week. Got our first letter yesterday and received about a 30 minute call this morning. He sounded really good. He did say that he has been in bed the last three days due to a sinus infection. I was concerned when he told me that, but he said it was actually good timing because they built in some dead time for recruits that needed their wisdom teeth out. He said there was about 20 of those in bed the same time he was. So far so good.

That's interesting you say that, my son called again today and sounded different.  He said things are going well, but he's congested and his sinus is draining down his throat because of the air conditioning he was thinking.  Sounds like there are several others with the same symptoms in his group as well.

It's certainly a nice feeling to have some sort of contact again.


Our son called yesterday, and he is on Ship 09, but Div 266.  His PIR date is 19-Jul.  He, also, was very congested and had a terrible cough, but he said he felt OK.  He said a bunch of guys have the same thing.  In tight quarters, everything is shared, including the viruses.  We will be traveling to GL for his PIR.  If anyone is planning to make the trip, I suggest you refer to Sarge's information that is posted on this site.  Great stuff.  We are going to take advantage of his shuttle/car services.  We also plan to attend his evening Meet & Greet.  Best of luck to all SR's!!!

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