Navy Dads

Anyone have a SR on ship 12 div 041. Hoping to hear from others

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My Daughter is there also. Doing well from her phone call Saturday.

Is your daughter on ship 12 div 041? My son is and today is day 20 for him and we have not gotten that call yet. Is your daughter's PIR date December 12th?

Yes it is. She call for 20 minutes but no letters yet. Sorry you missed your son's call. Maybe he called a girlfriend?

Yea I def. did not miss a call.. I have been monitoring my phone like a hawk lol. if anything if he may have called his girlfriend. I would like to hope that he would have gave each of us a quick call but you never know. Saturday would have been day 16 and that would be the earliest I have seen that they could make a call. Everything I have seen on this site puts second call at between day 19 and day 23. Maybe the whole division did not get to call on same day. That's what I'm hoping. But not much I can do about it but sit back and wait. Thanks for the info if you hear anything else let me know.

Thanks Patrick Clarke

When I was talking with my daughter, They said time is up move out. No chance for another call.

Yea just wondering was the entire division in there making calls. Not sure how any in a division. And all the info I have seen on here people have advised that kid can make as many calls as they want in the allotted time. One guy said his son called mom at work dad at home and his friend all in the 20 min time he was given. Maybe that was just lucky. Not sure can only go by others info. I have also seen dads say their kid only had 2 to 5 min for calls. So hoping for the best Ill talk to his girlfriend and see if she herd from him. I'm sure he is fine.

Thanks Patrick
Many not any in division

My son is there too. No calls or letters yet but that's okay. 

They are all on Navy time - not mine :) 

Oh not happy that you have not gotten a call or letter. But maybe that means the entire division has not made calls yet. That's what I'm hoping. All we can do is wait and see. But it's good to hear from other parents with kids in same ship / div. as my son.

We got our first letter from our daughter in this division. All good so far.

That's good to hear. I spoke to my sons girlfriend he did not call her either. I was wondering when your daughter called was it a collect call or did she use a calling card or was she able to just call straight out. Someone said they need to have calling card. If the that's case that may be why we did not hear from him. And someone said they have to earn phone calls. Let me know and I'll keep u posted. Thanks James

Great news I got three letters in one today. What a relief. My son is doing great actually does not thinks it's as hard as he thought it would be. The reason he did not call on same day as your daughter James is because he was in some medical thing. They pulled his wisdom teeth actually he said they pulled 11 people's wisdom teeth. So he was pissed but he thinks he will be able to call this weekend. Feeling much better. Just thought I would give you update.

Thanks Patrick

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