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Anyone else have a SR in this Division and ship?

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Hi William - our son is now in Ship 13 Div 324 PIR 10 Oct 2014 - received a phone call from him today.

Awesome Patrick…we booked our hotel and flight for PIR 10/10…are you going? our son called us yesterday said all is well.

Good Morning William:  yes, we will be attending.  I am hoping to make the airfare/hotel/Sarge reservations later this afternoon/evening.

Good deal… we are all set and booked. Will look for you at the Meet up at sarges on the 9th…Our son is Sam Higdon Auburn Wa, he is a section leader maybe they will meet.

Our son, Michael, Weare, NH (kind of cool - two boys from opposite north corners of our country) was placed into this ship/div on 8/26 and present for PFO and Swim test.  He did mention theirs is a 'push' unit - still trying to understand what that means.  I wouldn't be surprised if they've already met.

Hi William - reservations made!!    Now, we

Hi William - no phone call from IL to NH this weekend - and, I keep telling myself, "no news is good news" - lol.  They're likely too busy getting things done and working for the opportunity for a phone call home.  Letters, letters, and letters!! 

We were out but our son Sam did call again!... very brief and in true Sam fashion no info. He talked to his little bro a second said all was good, that was two calls now...they sounded on the way to march but they must be doing something right. Sounds also like last week wisdom teeth removal has been hard on a lot of them... he lucked out!

Good to hear.....still "no news" here and that is a very good thing!!  I wrote him another letter last night that is going out this morning.  He really lucked out on the wisdom tooth thing - Michael's have been out for a few years.

Congrats Bill on winning Wacky Wednesday on the Facebook of my sisters in AZ found it on facebook and found Michael - he's one of the bunch who is having trouble keeping the smile contained......but, rather conspicuously smiling in one photo!  Wondering how many pushups it cost him or the Ship......although later on in photos, others are smiling......Pleasant surprise as I am out of town until tomorrow night and having been sending short letters each from the hotel all week.  Hoping he has earned a phone call home this weekend....but, it is long as "no news is good news."

LOL - Congrats again on the photo contest, as well as, your son's photo.  Good looking recruit!! ~ Pat

Hi Bill:  Letter and a phone call today!!  They have a busy week coming up...Marlin Spike (not real sure what this is), second PT test, Inspection (s) that count, classes, and weapons training/qualifying.  He said the RDC's were having fun with the recruits when the photographs were taken last week, thus the smiling faces. He was selected/assigned Ship Staff tasks - standing Watch and cleaning - and has met Sam.  He sounded upbeat, positive, and committed!!  Hope your family was able to hear from Sam.  It was a quick, informative, and welcomed phone call. 

Yes Sam called today.. got assigned as Starboard Watch Section leader. He said they had some turnover in that area so he didn't know if it would stick. He was a section leader and i think he was next victim up. They take care of the watch bill so hopefully he doesn't put your son on watch top much :)  Marlin spike is a live trainer on basic seamanship skills, like a mini battle stations 21 i think. Man if they can just make it by these next two weeks they have it made!

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