Navy Dads

This is where my son is. He has been at bc for a week and a half. We received his box of stuff and the form letter. Scheduled PIR is Sep 28th. Anyone else have someone on this ship feel free to chime in. It's amazing to think of the things they are doing at bc. I would love to be a fly on the wall and see it all. We've already made plans for our trip to Chicago and are anxiously awaiting for that date to come. My wife and I both work for the school district, so I imagine once school starts time will go by faster. Anyway, hope to hear from others who have someone on this ship or the same PIR date.

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if you want to be a fly on the wall, watch these videos:

My son is the same division. I was so happy to get the letter! I know they say no news is good news, but its still nice to have confirmation that he's on track :)

We got our first letter from our son today.  Man it was good to get that!  It obviously was written during the first week based on what he said he had been doing.  Overall it sounded like he was doing pretty good.  Just thought I would update y'all, I guess because I was excited to get the letter. 

My son is in the same division 312. We have our kid in a box. Making plans to attend the graduation. PJ has not wrote a letter yet, his mom is waiting to hear from him. It will be easier for her when school starts she cooks in the cafateria.

Got my first letter today! Said it wasn't what he expected but that he was adjusting. He sounds so grown already!

We received our box and letter, my son is in the following week.  I have sent some letters already along with some stamps and envelopes already addressed.  My son's only note on the form letter was "This sucks", there was no way I could explain to hime what it was like to get off that bus in Marine Corp boot camp when I went. 

Watch some of the Navy bootcamp videos on YouTube.


Watch some of the Navy bootcamp videos on NavyDads..

My son is also Ship 13 Div 312. We have recieved one letter so far and my wife has written him just about everyday. We are very proud of him. This match word stuff to get a reply on here sucks.

OK, another update.  We recieved a letter on Wednesday.  Its amazing how excited one can get buy getting a letter.  For the most part things sounded pretty good, but he mentioned that he was having trouble with the prone float part of the swim test, said he had failed it twice.  So now we were worried, of course it doesn't help the fact that my wife is on Navyformoms, and reading about kids getting sent home for not passing the swim test.  So we quickly wrote some letters trying to encourage him, hoping he would get them before the weekend and of course lots of praying.  The hardest part of this is we can't  just pick up the phone and talk to him to try to help.  I've decided that boot camp is for parents also.  Learning that there will be periods of no communication, and we better get used to it.  Well the good news is he called yesterday, passed the swim test, and the division earned their flag, so they were allowed to call home.  It was so good to hear his voice, to hear the confidence in his voice was very encouraging.  It was amazing how a simple phone call can mean so much and put your mind at ease.  We are so proud of him, it's got to be just beaming from our faces.  I was excited for PIR before, but now, even more excited.  Sorry for the spelling, my wife isn't up to correct me.  Gotta get ready for work.  I hope everybody from this division was able to talk to their kids.

Ok I know this isn't in the convo but my wife is on ship 12 div 308 and the other day I got a phone call from her but I couldn't hear her itwas like her phone was on mute .. do I have to have a landline phone in order for her phone call to me to work.. example she called me and I said hello like six times then said I can't hear you .. so she could hear me but I can't hear her
Has anyone else had that problem.. I mean I told her press 1 button if u can hear me so she did I said press one button if this is my wife she did and then we did that but I couldn't hear her is that because she called my cell phone from the phones they use what do I need to do so I can hear her

the phones in the phone center have issues sometimes.....hopefully when you get another call things will be fine....

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