Navy Dads

Got a very very upsetting phone call from my girlfriends mom this morning that just sent me into shock. She got a call last night from her saying that she will not be gradraring at the PIR ceremony, and it has just crushed her. I can only image what's going through my GF head, it was very fast phone call didn't have enough time to tell her mom what test she didn't pass which to me didn't make sense because she is a very very smart girl. They got a hold of her recruiter, and he thinks it was the mile run which I believe but don't believe because since day one in some of her letters the only problem she had was with push ups. She was lied to they said it wasn't going to effect her because of her rank, and now she is in a depression because I know this ment a lot to her. Her parents had to cancel the flight and everything. She told me what the were paying for everything and it went down the drain. Am o not wrong that they know parents come from thousands of miles away to see there kids graduate but yet 3 days before they get to call and say they are or not going to be in the cemormy. I can't stop thinking about it, can't stop thinking about her and her parents. What ls there to do??? Now she's going to fly to SC without anything no cell phone no computer no nothing. Her parents was going to take everything to the airport for her the day she flys to SC, mainly her IPad and phone so she could at least have that than send the rest later. This meant everything to her and how they take it away is beyond me, spoke with my brother he is a marine, and he said even if you didn't pass you physical or your last test you still walked as a team and a unit for graduation...... I'm at a lost and hit a wall I don't know what to do

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Great news...and Congrats to Tori! Onward and upward!!!!

Ok I got one question I think Jim might know the answer, she finally told me her title, MM is her job for nuke, so how long is the A school? I think someone may have told me I just wanna refresh my mind, she has started battlestations :) can't wait for the morning to come. :)
Thanks Tom, looks like I'll have to do another 14 week bowling league to make the time fly
Yea her parents are going to see her when she's in A school, than she comes home for the 10 days, than starts power school. I'm planning to fly out when she's in power school. And she's going to try and come home for Christmas, she has 2 weeks off

Hi Cody:   any update information available?    Hoping you've received encouraging news.. ~ Pat

Sorry forgot to update you guys there just been one crazy week, and we still got 2 more days of it. She's doing good just waiting for her to recive her orders for A school. She should of had them today but her medical records didn't get moved to transfer when she passed battlestations Tuesday morning. But she is a sailor now Would love to post a pic but haven't figure it out yet. I talk to her when she is on liberty and I try to talk to her before she goes to bed, hard there is no service in the barracks (she's still in Great Lakes not RTC but on the base base.) they are taking a trip into Chicago tomorrow which she's always wanted to see, I'm happy for her wish I could be there for her but you know duty calls. We had a very long talk on Tuesday and last night. We are still going strong, we never felt so close to each other. So far she's ready been ready to get the hell out of there and move on to School than to power school. Can't wait. Been trying to pick the right days I wanna go visit her, sound some cheap 5 day flight tickets, give me enough time to spend with her durning the night and the weekend and fly home on a Tuesday looking forward to that.
Yea Jim she's ready to go. I'm proud of her. Couldn't be any happier
I can't wait for that day, for her to leave for a school, we facetime the other day on the phone and meet one of the other girl I believe Is a nuke and she knew who I was and I though oh boy she doesnt shut up about me. It's ok I tell everyone I work with about her too. I just can't wait to see what the future has in store. Just was a little inpatient this last weeks, and just kept fearing the worse, but I saw her in her NWUs and in her dress whites and in her peaut butter uniform (that's what she called it) I just couldn't be anymore proud about her. She thanks me everyday for everything I've ever done, and in her letters she said some of her shipmates wish they had someone like me to spoil them even though they are thousands of miles away in boot camp (that was when she was on boot camp). I'm just excited to get the next phase over with. We grew closer and stronger being apart. She said "If being apart brought us together then we're unstoppable " and she said "I feel like these last 2 months has brought us together". I think she said it in a letter too, but it was something I would say to advice to people but hearin it come from her just blew me away. I'm lucky to have her in my life. I wanna get married and go with her to her first duty station I'm young too, and ready for the next adventure. Been saying prayers no east coast or Tokyo. I thank you guys for all the support, I don't know how I would of gotten through this.

Great news, Cody.  Best wishes to each of you.  She will enjoy Chicago.

She's out enjoying Chicago right now :) I'm so happy for her. Can't wait to see her

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