Navy Dads

Son flies out tomorrow to Chicago. When would PIR be likely to occur?

8 fridays with mean grad would be on April 5.  Should I not include this friday? Then April 12 would be the date.  Thought?

To many emotions to be able to think straight.


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Hi Juan- I've been told to wait for the formal letter to arrive. Usually comes in about 8 to 10 days after P week. All your SR's info will be in the letter. FYI: keep the letter safe as it has the password for the parking pass for PIR, and a list a names that can go to graduation.


Thanks guys, hard to have patience!

Hello Juan, my son flew to Chaicago on 2/11 and PIR is scheduled for 4/12. 

Thanks Leonard, so did you get the letter already? That was quick.  My son left 2/13

Leonard said:

Hello Juan, my son flew to Chaicago on 2/11 and PIR is scheduled for 4/12. 

Hi Juan donot count the first Friday . That's how it worked out for us

Prob not cause indoc takes a week and you will get a letter in the navy pretty quick  in about a week and they will give you the date of his graduation they give you plenty of time to make plans. If you buy plane tickets make sure are able to move the date of the tickets because sometimes they can be pushed back and he might get a different grad date..Remember now that he is in the military nothing is never certain, you will find things change a lot..The saying in the Navy goes hurry up and wait...My son sat at basic for about 2 weeks without doing anything

Hello Juan.  Yes he flew out Monday, 2/11 and we received the letter on Friday, 2/15.  As long as there are no set backs, we plan are seeing him on Friday, 4/12 at PIR.  Good luck and thank your son for serving.  Leonard

Got letter and his box today.  PIR is on 4/12 as well.  Very exciting, can't wait to see him. Plane tickets bought, car reserved, hotel booked....Thanks guys!

Leonard said:

Hello Juan.  Yes he flew out Monday, 2/11 and we received the letter on Friday, 2/15.  As long as there are no set backs, we plan are seeing him on Friday, 4/12 at PIR.  Good luck and thank your son for serving.  Leonard

Great news Juan. I go the week before and will update when I get back

My son was allowed to call on Friday, that was unexpected.  We were worried at first, based on the "no news is good news" premise.  Luckily everything is ok.  He sounded really upbeat which was great for my wife and I.  He said he's eating well but not getting to much sleep, but other than that and all the yelling and verbal abuse he was doing good.  

He indicated also that some recruits had quit after a few days, I'm wondering if that's normal.  He is assigned to an 800 div and apparently the hard PT hadn't begun yet.  I'm wondering when they'll start the training.

Good luck to all!

Thank you all for your posts, so I will know what to expect and thank your son for serving our Country!


Is you son/daughter shipping soon?  Indeed, I have this site extremly helpful and lots of support from wonderful people.  My sons grad is April 12th, so I counted right!

We have received letters and phone calls, all is well...

hang in there..


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