Navy Dads

And now the journey begins,  He actually arrived at GL on the 23rd. and  we got to talk to and text him while he was hanging out at the airport waiting for the rest of his group.  First night was rough without him my wife and his fiance as well as my self at times were very emotional.  I can't wait to get his address so I can start mailing  the letters out.  He said he was putting three letters in his pockets of his civies for the three of us when we recieve the "box".  I am looking foreward to using this site and soaking up as much as I can from those who have been down this road before. A lot seems to have chaanged since I went away to recruit traning with the USCG in 1979.

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The more time you spend in the Bootcamp group, the better you will understand where your son is in his journey and what to expect. As always, when you feel stressed or unsure of what is going on, spend some quality time on NavyDads.....many of us have been through this expereince and can answer your questions and ocncerns. HooYah!!
Thanks for the encouragement. I think once I'm able to make some kind of contact, even through letters I'll feel better. I understand why they do what they do, but it dosent make it any easier.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
The more time you spend in the Bootcamp group, the better you will understand where your son is in his journey and what to expect. As always, when you feel stressed or unsure of what is going on, spend some quality time on NavyDads.....many of us have been through this expereince and can answer your questions and ocncerns. HooYah!!
Good luck to your son and to your family .My son graduated in june and is stationed in San Diego Ca .It was very hard at first we were always wondering how he was because there was very little communication.The old saying no news is good news was the truth .There is a weekly schedule of what the recruits or going thru on the boot camp forum that is very helpful .They are very busy so if you hear from him dont take it to hard they are leaning a lot in very little time .
I hope this helps, also if you can go to the Pir it is a great experience .Good luck
Any one else have a young man or women that left around the same time?
Hey there, Hank: my son (Chris) shipped to GL on the 23rd. He's the first in my family to join the Navy. I couldn't be a prouder pappa. I've learned quite a bit from this site. I'm probably the one who is more stressed out - my son has wanted to be a sailer for quite some time!

Hey Hank, best to luck to you and your family. My son is leaving for GL on the 9th.
We recieved the "box" late yesterday, I held up pretty well, his mother had a major melt down though. He wrote us small notes and left them in the pockets of his jeans.

Tim Simmons said:
Hey there, Hank: my son (Chris) shipped to GL on the 23rd. He's the first in my family to join the Navy. I couldn't be a prouder pappa. I've learned quite a bit from this site. I'm probably the one who is more stressed out - my son has wanted to be a sailer for quite some time!

You'll get the form letter next...with luck there will be a couple of lines your son will scrawl on the bottom. It should have his mailing address and a password to get a parking pass for PIR if you elect to drive on base. Then you'll have a gap of two to three weeks before you hear again....but write your letters as he'll need the support because the first couple of weeks are full of "what have I gotten myself into" thoughts!!!

Hank K said:
We recieved the "box" late yesterday, I held up pretty well, his mother had a major melt down though. He wrote us small notes and left them in the pockets of his jeans.

Tim Simmons said:
Hey there, Hank: my son (Chris) shipped to GL on the 23rd. He's the first in my family to join the Navy. I couldn't be a prouder pappa. I've learned quite a bit from this site. I'm probably the one who is more stressed out - my son has wanted to be a sailer for quite some time!

Hey Tim, pride is definetly what I feel as well. I'm a 21yr veteran of the USCG so my son Mike grew up in a military enviroment. I feel confident that he , as well as your boy will do just fine. I'm hoping that I can get his mailing address on Mon either from the form letter or his recruiter.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
You'll get the form letter next...with luck there will be a couple of lines your son will scrawl on the bottom. It should have his mailing address and a password to get a parking pass for PIR if you elect to drive on base. Then you'll have a gap of two to three weeks before you hear again....but write your letters as he'll need the support because the first couple of weeks are full of "what have I gotten myself into" thoughts!!!

Hank K said:
We recieved the "box" late yesterday, I held up pretty well, his mother had a major melt down though. He wrote us small notes and left them in the pockets of his jeans.

Tim Simmons said:
Hey there, Hank: my son (Chris) shipped to GL on the 23rd. He's the first in my family to join the Navy. I couldn't be a prouder pappa. I've learned quite a bit from this site. I'm probably the one who is more stressed out - my son has wanted to be a sailer for quite some time!

We recieved the form letter yesterday with his proper address , PIR date and some other info. He scrawled a few quick lines on the bottom, basically said he was doing fine, how much he hates "whitey tighteys" ect. Good to hear from him even itf it was short.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
You'll get the form letter next...with luck there will be a couple of lines your son will scrawl on the bottom. It should have his mailing address and a password to get a parking pass for PIR if you elect to drive on base. Then you'll have a gap of two to three weeks before you hear again....but write your letters as he'll need the support because the first couple of weeks are full of "what have I gotten myself into" thoughts!!!

Hank K said:
We recieved the "box" late yesterday, I held up pretty well, his mother had a major melt down though. He wrote us small notes and left them in the pockets of his jeans.

Tim Simmons said:
Hey there, Hank: my son (Chris) shipped to GL on the 23rd. He's the first in my family to join the Navy. I couldn't be a prouder pappa. I've learned quite a bit from this site. I'm probably the one who is more stressed out - my son has wanted to be a sailer for quite some time!

I can surely understand and feel what your family is going thru, with all the emotions. My son left for GL on December 16, a week before Christmas, Imagine what we went thru. First Christmas without him. We were very sad, but we manage to get thru it. Not hearing from for 3 weeks. The advice i can give you is with every passing day it does get better. Yes, you will still miss him, but is lets hurtful. It was especially hard for my wife, I had to hide my emotions, for my wifes sake. As soon as you get his address start writing to him, my son told me that letters from family really make a big different for him, they look forward for mail. My son already graduated from boot camp, and he is happy. Graduation is a blast look forward to it. It all worth it. You will son will be a different man. Good Luck
His letter said he was in ship 04 Div 161. PIR date as of now is April 16th. Anyone else?

Hank K said:
We recieved the form letter yesterday with his proper address , PIR date and some other info. He scrawled a few quick lines on the bottom, basically said he was doing fine, how much he hates "whitey tighteys" ect. Good to hear from him even itf it was short.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:
You'll get the form letter next...with luck there will be a couple of lines your son will scrawl on the bottom. It should have his mailing address and a password to get a parking pass for PIR if you elect to drive on base. Then you'll have a gap of two to three weeks before you hear again....but write your letters as he'll need the support because the first couple of weeks are full of "what have I gotten myself into" thoughts!!!

Hank K said:
We recieved the "box" late yesterday, I held up pretty well, his mother had a major melt down though. He wrote us small notes and left them in the pockets of his jeans.

Tim Simmons said:
Hey there, Hank: my son (Chris) shipped to GL on the 23rd. He's the first in my family to join the Navy. I couldn't be a prouder pappa. I've learned quite a bit from this site. I'm probably the one who is more stressed out - my son has wanted to be a sailer for quite some time!


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