Navy Dads

son ships out on 7th of aug and i am getting nervous have never been away from him . afraid he will just forget about me. i hope thats not the way it goes

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Jim, you will find it is just the opposite. In basic he will find out very quickly what is important to him and who was instrumental in guiding him to this life altering decision.

thank you for your comment it helps

Mark Smith said:

Jim, you will find it is just the opposite. In basic he will find out very quickly what is important to him and who was instrumental in guiding him to this life altering decision.

Similar situation with my son but the results were just the opposite. It gave him a chance to reflect on how much his parents and brother means to him. I hope it is the same for you and your sailor!

My son just left for boot camp this morning! Being retired Air Force with multiple deployments and temporary duties under my belt, one of the things I've always been able to count was that he was at home taking care of mom. Wow, how time just seems to pass you by! I can say from my own experience with boot camp that the previous posts are absolutely correct! The trainees tend to reflect on the past a little more and they end up realizing the values that were passed on to them. Both good and bad. They'll never forget where they came from or who REALLY loves them!

With my son, we are down to 21 days and a wake his letters home, he emphasizes the gratitude he feels that I pushed him so hard before leaving for bootcamp. I was concerned that I was alienating him by continuing to nag him about his work outs when he would have rather defeat his enemies on a video game. I knew that he would lose some of that muscle tone in bootcamp and his PST times drop before moving on to his next school. It is gratifying to a father when a son realizes that we are right sometime. That is when I realized he had matured.

Jim, they don't forget about you....they learn to appreciate you.

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