Navy Dads

My son is being sent home from basic training because of an old medical issue. He was prescribed for Adderal. I guess the Navy doesn't like that. He says he can appeal but has no idea if that will work.

Does anyone have a suggestion?


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Paul, I don't have any suggestions, I'm just sorry that your son has to go through this.  It seems odd that his medication wasn't addressed prior to boot camp.  Let him know we are sending positive thoughts, that this isn't his fault.  Unfortunately, many folks need medication these days.  Kind regards, Calamity

So sorry to hear this Paul.  I agree with Calamity - the recruiter should have addressed this before your son left for BC.  He could have worked on getting a waiver at that time.  I believe now he will have to show he has been off the meds for a specific amount of time (not sure how long) and he will have to get a waiver for it.  It will take some time - hopefully it all works out.  Good luck to him (and you).

You just have to be completely honest about all medical issues .....period.  It's better to deal with it from the beginning and try to get a waiver or appeal any decisions early and before you go in instead of after the fact.  And there are reasons for all the scrutiny.  Last week a recruit died after the Battle Stations 21 test.  It was learned afterwards that he had a heart condition that was not disclosed and he tried to hide it from the Navy.  What good did hiding the truth do?  Now he's dead.  They also don't like being lied to.  You are given many chances to tell the truth and come clean.  If you lie once.........

Curt, is there a link to the information regarding the Sailor that passed last week?  I've seen posts but I didn't know what happened until I read yours...

Curt Ritter said:

You just have to be completely honest about all medical issues .....period.  It's better to deal with it from the beginning and try to get a waiver or appeal any decisions early and before you go in instead of after the fact.  And there are reasons for all the scrutiny.  Last week a recruit died after the Battle Stations 21 test.  It was learned afterwards that he had a heart condition that was not disclosed and he tried to hide it from the Navy.  What good did hiding the truth do?  Now he's dead.  They also don't like being lied to.  You are given many chances to tell the truth and come clean.  If you lie once.........

There are other articles too and most seem to say he passed out during leisure time the day after Battle Stations and possibly hit his head.  My son, who graduated last Friday when this sailor was supposed to have graduated, told me they were being told it was a heart condition that lead to him passing out.  So it does seem a bit unclear at this point exactly what happened or what was the cause.

Paul - having experienced the transfer to Ship 5 back in July/August regarding my son......first of all, I wish you and your son the best.....  Next, if you and your son disclosed this information during the Applicant process with the Recruiter and your local MEPS, please consider appealing while your son is at RTC.  We (my son and his family) did disclose all aspects of my son's blessings during applicant process...thankfully, he was granted a waiver after a hiccup during Basic.   Our Sailor completed Basic and the preliminary course required before A school.

If you and your family have been up front with the Navy during the recruitment process, please consider applying for the medical waiver before your son returns home.  Please, also, remind your son to be of best behavior while at Ship 5 - it can be a daunting experience for our children.

I write from experience......I am proud to share that we tried to follow the rules and presented a fine young man for service in the Navy.  Thankfully, the Navy provided our son with an opportunity to prove far so good!!  He's a Sailor, completed first aspect of A school training, and is now waiting to class up for A school.  Good luck, sir.   Sincerest best wishes.

My son had an issue with that. We disclosed the old prescription to the recruiter who chose not to list it on his medical forms. The recruiter told us that it had been so long ago, that it would not be an issue. When my son was being interviewed at MEPS, he again disclosed it and was sent home from MEPS until the proper paperwork was submitted and reviewed/approved. All of that to ask, was the Adderal prescription disclosed, and was it listed on his medical forms?

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