Navy Dads

My son leaves tomorrow (5-6) to spend the night in Atlanta, then board a plain headed to Chicago to the RTC. He has wished for this day for several years, but it got here too fast for me! I'm not worried about the training he will go thru. He has been prepairin for a few years. It's the fact that he will be away. He has been by my side for 20 years. I will do my best to be strong for him, and not show my weakness. Don't want to make this journey any tougher on him than it is already going to be. Thanks for letting me join this group! I can already see this will make it easier on us....

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There is nothing wrong with breaking down when he leaves. We were with both sons when they left for basic and I must tell you I shed tears both times. Some for pride but mostly for the fact that they weren't going to be right by my side anymore. You have got a good start by joining groups where other dads have gone through the same as you are now. Fall back on your brotherhood and learn from them and all will be well. 

NavyDads Admin, Tim said:

There is nothing wrong with breaking down when he leaves. We were with both sons when they left for basic and I must tell you I shed tears both times. Some for pride but mostly for the fact that they weren't going to be right by my side anymore. You have got a good start by joining groups where other dads have gone through the same as you are now. Fall back on your brotherhood and learn from them and all will be well. 

Thank you sir!

Welcome to the Navy Family and hang in there Marvin...


I know what you mean by not showing weakness.  I feel like a ping pong ball, going back and forth between feelings of complete sadness to stuffing my feelings and being strong.  It's tough but then I realized it's all about fear.  Fear of failure, and of the unknown.  In the end, his RDCs and fellow recruits won't let failure eat them alive. 

Hang in there we've been through this twice.  You will realy enjoy thw changes in your new sailor.

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