Navy Dads


Hello everyone,


My name is Dexter Mullins and I'm a producer for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. I'm working on a story for our series "Making A Difference: On the Homefront" -that highlights the positive things being done for our military serviceman, in particular sailors. I'm currently looking for someone who will be taking part in a Navy Tiger Cruise in the next 3-5 months so we can feature them in the story. Please feel free to leave any comments in the thread below, or email me directly at


Thank you all!


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I'm changing my reply do be more discreet. We will be joining our son on a Tiger cruise with in 5 months. We are very excited to have this opportunity to sail on an aircraft carrier and observe the daily happenings of our brave and selfless sailors. We are open to speak with Brian Williams about this adventure. Thank you, Joe and Kimberly Juarez

I have been on two Tiger Cruises on the USS Enterprise, (CVN 65), one in 2007 and one in July 2011. The Big E is currently deployed for the final time in her illustrious 50+ year time of service. My Son is aboard the ship and has been since 2007. I plan to be aboard for the final Tiger Cruise when the ship returns. I was at the Pier when the ship pulled out was a VERY emotional experience to say the least...

everyone seems to hear the line from the old song "They're gonna put me in the movies...." since these posts went up....let's review that we DO NOT POST DATES REGARDING SHIP MOVEMENTS on this site or any other site for public consumption.....

Hey everyone,

I have gotten an overwhelming amount of response from both the discussion boards and my e-mail. Thank you for all your help!

Good Morning Craig~

Thank you for posting what appears to be the official version of OPSEC. However; since I'm not given the official instructions being that I'm simply a Navy Mother perhaps my Grandfather, father, uncles, brothers ( all veterans) and my sailor may  be and some have been aware of this version. More likely my sailor as when this was introduced all others had long served Our country and had returned to civilian life except for one whom did not make it home. I'm unaware of any "classes" that teach OPSEC except during boot camp and I'm a little old for that. The version of OPSEC in which I shared you feel I am~ "acting like a cancer effect by spreading false information". I'm spreading the layman's term of OPSEC which has been given to myself and others on various occasions. Before, during and each deployment of my sailor through the commanding officers in which my sailor has served under. Along with receiving from; ombudsman and various groups within my sailors command. Before you ask~ some instructions were in person and given it great detail. If you've been doing "this stuff for 32 years" and feel that 2 Commanding officers that have served on this particular carrier in which I write of and get my information from along with their ombudsman, I suggest that perhaps you might want to take it up with them and let them know your thoughts. I'm sure they'd be very interested in your 32 years of "doing this stuff" of how things are written and done for the civilian families of these great military men and women. I only came in here to let others know about the media situation. That was my  concern for all. OPSEC the (layman's version) is,  always has been, and always will be a priority with me. I see that the admin. has it covered and I think I've apologized profusely in those regards if I stepped on toes . Yet, my thoughts on that one~ you never can remind enough. 5,000 reminders is a ton of reminders.

Last but not name, or handle~  You know;  never to give too much information as ya never know who may be watching. Take good care. Keep smiling~ makes folks wonder what you're up to.

Hi Michelerenee Jans,

I can certainly understand and respect your concern. In order to maybe ease your worries a bit, please take a bit of comfort in the fact that I was directed to this website by the Pentagon and Navy Public Affairs office directly. I've been in constant contact with the team there (very nice btw) and have already explained to them the nature of the story. We've discussed security concerns and have been cleared to reach out. If you have any further questions or would like to verify this independently you are welcome to contact Lt. Mike Kafka's office at Public Affairs HQ in the Pentagon. We certainly wouldn't do anything to harm any U.S. Sailor or other military personnel.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

please clarify who you are speaking for as you use the word "WE" more than once.....

Michelerenee Jans said:

It is  recommended that family members do not speak to anyone from the media without having the approval and input from one of the Navy Public Affairs Officers. It is not only an issue of OPSEC, but of Personal Security also. Often in the excitement of getting to tell the world how proud you are of your Sailor and the rest of the crew,  it is easy to share information such as full names, where you are located, etc. Anyone with a computer and internet can then find out all kinds of information that you may not want to share. What you say can effect your Sailor and your family, as well as the other families and their Sailor's. If any   family members decide to speak to the media, we ask that they please contact an Ombudsman first. Then we can help put them in contact with a PAO. Don't put our sailors at risk.

Man, you should run for president.  You've got a lot of words, but they're meaningless when you can't back up your information with official Navy instructions.  Before you start spreading your gospel, research the facts.  Back your information up and post the official instructions for others to see.  

Per the Commanding Officer, why would I have to let them know my thoughts?  Geez, if a CO can fire off a nuclear missile, they don't need my thoughts.  They only have to look at the official rules and act upon them, the same manuals that I review almost everyday.  They are the ones that are accountable for their actions.  You should be the one accountable for yours.  

The problem I see, is you passing on information that is false.  You are just jumping on the bandwagon passing information that you think is true, which it is not.  Thank God you understand you are a "layman".  This is why you need to read and understand the official rules, then you can pass on that knowledge to the next batch of mom's so you can stop this chain of misinformation.  

My thought is why write a lengthy post admitting you don't know the rules, when you could have spent the same time researching the rules.  The statement of "since I'm not given the official instructions being that I'm simply a Navy Mother" is a cop out.  Back up your information with the official rules (and post them) so everyone can see them and know where you're coming from.  Just do a Google search on Navy OPSEC official Rules.  You can't hardly argue when you see the rules in black & white (WHEN THEY COME FROM THE OFFICIAL SOURCE).

I truly love this debate.  It's very knowledgeable for those that don't understand the rules (like yourself).

It allows those of us, that are experts in this field, to guide and correct those that aren't.  Just like the sailors I have trained.  They are only as good as those that lead them.    

Mr. Mullins, The concern is information being posted on an open forum, even communications with my sailor are done in code on private email per her command ( ie. 2 days after grandpa's birthday) Thank you for your understanding you may try the ombudsman for the ship.

Dexter Mullins said:

Hi Michelerenee Jans,

I can certainly understand and respect your concern. In order to maybe ease your worries a bit, please take a bit of comfort in the fact that I was directed to this website by the Pentagon and Navy Public Affairs office directly. I've been in constant contact with the team there (very nice btw) and have already explained to them the nature of the story. We've discussed security concerns and have been cleared to reach out. If you have any further questions or would like to verify this independently you are welcome to contact Lt. Mike Kafka's office at Public Affairs HQ in the Pentagon. We certainly wouldn't do anything to harm any U.S. Sailor or other military personnel.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

please clarify who you are speaking for as you use the word "WE" more than once.....

Michelerenee Jans said:

It is  recommended that family members do not speak to anyone from the media without having the approval and input from one of the Navy Public Affairs Officers. It is not only an issue of OPSEC, but of Personal Security also. Often in the excitement of getting to tell the world how proud you are of your Sailor and the rest of the crew,  it is easy to share information such as full names, where you are located, etc. Anyone with a computer and internet can then find out all kinds of information that you may not want to share. What you say can effect your Sailor and your family, as well as the other families and their Sailor's. If any   family members decide to speak to the media, we ask that they please contact an Ombudsman first. Then we can help put them in contact with a PAO. Don't put our sailors at risk.

It seems my posting has caused quite a bit of a stir on this site and that was not my intention. I certainly don't want to be the reason people started arguing. If the admin of this site could give me a call or shoot me an e-mail (my contact is in the initial posting) I can conference in the PAO officer that I was working through so we can maybe sort out some of the tension.

Mr. Mullins~ It's not your fault by any means. It just this momma is trying to keep her sailor and all sailors safe from home. Every man and every woman that is in the navy is someone's child. Sometimes I think some forget that fact. We're just doing the best we can with the knowledge we have. In some cases as parents; we are on a need to know basis and we don't need to know. Also; Sometimes people simply need to agree to disagree. My sailors Ombudsman have notified the commanding officer of your  invitation for Tigers to contact you. It is now up to him to come forward with a letter allowing or disallowing  a Tiger to accommodate your request. No one that I am aware of had a heads up that you would be approaching the Tigers of our great carriers. I take the blame for the "bit of stir". Yet; I felt someone needed to step up to the plate as a parent and remind "Our Carrier" we are not allowed to do so until given permission basically. I'm sure you can understand. Thank You.

Dexter Mullins said:

It seems my posting has caused quite a bit of a stir on this site and that was not my intention. I certainly don't want to be the reason people started arguing. If the admin of this site could give me a call or shoot me an e-mail (my contact is in the initial posting) I can conference in the PAO officer that I was working through so we can maybe sort out some of the tension.

Craig~ What misinformation have I given?  I am sure all would like to see what I could of possibly said that is wrong pertaining to the safety of our Sailors. I'm sure you have bigger issues and bigger fish to fry than this Navy Mom. As someone who claims to have trained sailors I hope while you did it; you gave them first and foremost respect. I can't imagine it at this point.  I have been very respectful towards you and I'm sorry that you are so upset that we do not post the official OPSEC every-time we write or speak to another family member or friend. We make it simple: No dates, No Movements, No ports; past or present, etc. Yes; layman's term. To show no respect for a navy mom who cares deeply not only for our navy but all branches of the military. Well; let me just say; it appears as if your navy mom did not send you enough love in those care packages. So to you the son of a former navy mom regardless of your title within this country~ how dare you! If my sailor ever spoke to a navy mom the way you have...let's just say my sailor would never do that. I raised my children to have respect for all and when you don't have something nice to say keep your darn mouth shut. I suggest Craig you get off your high horse and learn to respect all who try to keep our sailors safe. In the meantime; I hope someone says a few kind words to you today.  I think you just might need it. As far as what you think I've misinformed anyone about...don't bother responding. Spend the time on sending a carepackage out to a couple sailors it might put you in better spirits.

Craig said:

Man, you should run for president.  You've got a lot of words, but they're meaningless when you can't back up your information with official Navy instructions.  Before you start spreading your gospel, research the facts.  Back your information up and post the official instructions for others to see.  

Per the Commanding Officer, why would I have to let them know my thoughts?  Geez, if a CO can fire off a nuclear missile, they don't need my thoughts.  They only have to look at the official rules and act upon them, the same manuals that I review almost everyday.  They are the ones that are accountable for their actions.  You should be the one accountable for yours.  

The problem I see, is you passing on information that is false.  You are just jumping on the bandwagon passing information that you think is true, which it is not.  Thank God you understand you are a "layman".  This is why you need to read and understand the official rules, then you can pass on that knowledge to the next batch of mom's so you can stop this chain of misinformation.  

My thought is why write a lengthy post admitting you don't know the rules, when you could have spent the same time researching the rules.  The statement of "since I'm not given the official instructions being that I'm simply a Navy Mother" is a cop out.  Back up your information with the official rules (and post them) so everyone can see them and know where you're coming from.  Just do a Google search on Navy OPSEC official Rules.  You can't hardly argue when you see the rules in black & white (WHEN THEY COME FROM THE OFFICIAL SOURCE).

I truly love this debate.  It's very knowledgeable for those that don't understand the rules (like yourself).

It allows those of us, that are experts in this field, to guide and correct those that aren't.  Just like the sailors I have trained.  They are only as good as those that lead them.    

Cease Fire! Cease Fire!

I would like to please ask that everyone take a moment and wait for my response to today's most recent post's. I have been unavailable this morning and have only been able to monitor this from my phone. I am now in front of a computer and would like to weigh in on this discussion before we go any farther.




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