Navy Dads


Hello everyone,


My name is Dexter Mullins and I'm a producer for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. I'm working on a story for our series "Making A Difference: On the Homefront" -that highlights the positive things being done for our military serviceman, in particular sailors. I'm currently looking for someone who will be taking part in a Navy Tiger Cruise in the next 3-5 months so we can feature them in the story. Please feel free to leave any comments in the thread below, or email me directly at


Thank you all!


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It is my opinion that if there be any further discussion on this topic, that it be done by other means besides this site. We have new fathers and mothers coming into this site everyday. And they are looking for the resources and I guess you could say (therapy).."I can really provide a testimony for that" as far as there children leaving home for the Navy, or driving forward with there careers. I know this all sounds like babble, we really don't want to see the mud slinging that is going on here. I understand OPSEC and its purposes. I now have a daughter graduating this Friday from BT. If at anytime you are being interviewed or questioned as to movements, dates, or such detail that you might fear put your Sailors safety at risk...its easy, don't say anything. And regarding reporters....I am sorry but sometimes they only have self interest and do not care about such things as OPSEC....this is just my opinion. Please people lets drive on and provide support for our Moms, Dads, and our recruits and Sailors. There are parents out there looking for support as we speak.

Sorry I didnt see the Cease fire order, besides I was only throwing bean bags, no live rounds were used on my part.LOL

As Admin for the site you have my total support.  The admin team watches all the posts very closely and if there are issues with OPSEC violation, we handle those either by editing the posts or on occasional deleting questionable information.  We sincerly hope the over zealous nature of some of these discussions has not given you the worng impression of the site....we have close to 5,000 members that are proud of their sailor's service and only want the best for them, the fleet, and the US Navy. 



Dexter Mullins said:

It seems my posting has caused quite a bit of a stir on this site and that was not my intention. I certainly don't want to be the reason people started arguing. If the admin of this site could give me a call or shoot me an e-mail (my contact is in the initial posting) I can conference in the PAO officer that I was working through so we can maybe sort out some of the tension.

If there are more concerns regarding OPEC, please post in the appropriate area....simply click the OPSEC link found in the About This Site area that is on the right side (starboard.....) of every page.

I would like to start by thanking everyone for giving me the opportunity to respond to today's most recent post's in this discussion "Tiger Cruise Program" started by NBC producer, Dexter Mullins of the Nightly News with Brian Williams.

Please click here for my full response about this discussion:

I will say that I have been on 2 Tiger Cruises, in 2007 and 2011, already. I plan to be on the final Tiger Cruise of the USS Enterprise in 2012. I fully understand OPSEC (Operational Security), But I will also say that trying to make arrangements to be on the Tiger Cruise...whether by car, bus, train, plane, skateboard...or whatever...will be more difficult than you can imagine if you have never been before...You will be pulling your hair out until the last minute but will be so happy when you see the ship pull in to the pier...wherever that may be...

Thank You CO-Admin, Calvin~ I appreciate  the warm welcome.

I have not used my actual name nor will I ever my sailor's name etc. I too would like to thank your family member for their service and dedication to our Country as you have my sailor's. It's with great commitment and promise to my sailor  that I say; I'm surviving his 2nd deployment in the wild blue with a possible back to back  deployment on another means of transportation once he returns. Thank you again to your family military member and to you for your time and dedication to this site.

NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin said:

Michelerenee, this subject is close to my heart since I have a family member that is a Special Ops. This is the post I sent to all of our members in Special Ops.

Welcome to SEAL Dads (NSW) Group. When you have a chance be sure to read one of the following post or all three This is a must read before posting, OPSEC and Social Media and Posting on NSW Forums (this is a must read). Here is a quick link to Posting on NSW Forums (this is a must read).We follow all OPSEC rules so please check your profile and make sure that your Last Name is not posted and that your guys First Name is not posted. Everyone here is ready and willing to help answer any questions you have regarding this long journey your guy is starting. Tell your guy that my Family and I appreciate his desire to join the Navy and we are proud of his decision. He will be in our Thoughts and we wish him the best.

HooYah US Navy SEALs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Dexter,

My name is Mike Walent and I will be going on a 2012 Tiger Cruise aboard the USS Carl Vinson CVN-70 in the time frame suggested. I am ex Navy and also my wife Terri is retired Navy. My son Michael Jr. is stationed aboard the Carl Vinson. I will be taking our youngest son Matthew with me as well.

The Tiger Cruise is something I told Michael about when he joined the Navy. I mentioned that it would be great if there was an opportunity to have old Dad come and check out "His New Navy". Soon after reporting for duty he call us from the Persian Gulf and told me that they were doing the Tiger Cruise from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii back to the ships home port of San Diego, California at the end of their deployment.

Needless to say we are extremely excited to go aboard as Tigers! My wife Terri and I are hoping to get Matthew encouraged in the Navy so as to keep the family tradition alive. Hopefully this experience will make the same impression on Matthew as it has on the rest of us.

When we arrive in San Diego my wife Terri and Michael's Fiance' Trish will be meeting the ship. Michael and Trish will be getting married shortly after arrival. Therefore there is yet another level of excitement in store for us!

We would be glad to assist you in your story should you desire.

Best regards,


Any update syou can give us as to the extent of information that you may have gathered and any particular potential Tigers you might have in mind. You don't have to use any names just wondering how this is coming along.

Hi There everyone,

I haven't forgotten about you! We're going to have a planning meeting sometime next week to nail down details. Thanks for all of your patience!

Dexter R. Mullins

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams

212.664.4971 |


Please keep us posted on how this progress's. We definitely want to feature the upcoming story on our site. We hope it's one of our own but in any case we want our Community to be tuned in when it airs. Just the subject about Tiger Cruises, our Sailors, & their Families has me hooked. Best of luck in putting this together and don't forget to update us from time to time.



Just checking in to see if any advancements have been made on this topic. I myself cannot wait to see this air on NBC Nightly news and see the Job that is done showing and representing the Sailors and their families  of this country.

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