Navy Dads

Hi Everyone,

Like many others in ship 3, Div 367, my son is going into the nuclear program. We got our 3rd letter from him yesterday, and I just wanted to share something that he said to see if anyone else has heard the same information.  I'll quote from his letter here:

"I have some bad news about graduation weekend. While most recruits get the long weekend off to spend with their families in Chicago, Nukes will be leaving RTC at 1 am on Friday and spending our liberty weekend in South Carolina.  We supposedly have 2-3 weeks before A school starts and you are more than welcome to come visit me on a weekend in SC during this time. I am allowed 75 miles off base weekends only"

If this is correct, it sounds like they will only have a few hours between the graduation and their flight to SC.  If A school won't start until after Thanksgiving weekend, we might be able to visit him in SC then, but it sounds like he will only be able to see us on Saturday and Sunday.

Has anyone else gotten information about leave after PIR? Just want to make sure I got this righ.


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Hi Recruit Mom, Yes, I went thru the same thing with my daughter. When the recruits are finished with their PIR they are called on liberty. Most the recruits have liberty until Sunday, but some of them are "Grad & Go". Those recruits on "Grad & Go" have until 8:00pm to spend time with their family and soon after 8:00pm they get transferred to the Class A school locations. I spend a lot of money to be at my daughter's PIR and even though I only spend about 7 hours with her, but it was worth it every second of it.  So, I hope you can enjoy the few hours to the max!!  Gil

Thanks for the info Gil! I guess I'll look for a restaurant nearby so we can have a meal together. You're right, we will definitely want to make the most of the time we have, so we won't want to be driving far.

Do you know where she is going for A school yet?

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