Navy Dads

I couldn't be any more proud of my son Zak, who is in the Great Lakes completing boot camp. Graduation is creeping up on December 11th and unfortunately I will not be able to make it. Due to being on disability for the last 7years due to a persistent painful pancreaticic disease, my income has suffered severely. On top of having to move this month, I don't see any way of me being able to make it to graduation. Even though my son keeps telling me not to worry, he will be home shortly after graduation, it is a once in a lifetime experience that I will not be able to witness. Needless to say, I will savor every second I get to spend with him once he gets home. Can't say that it doesn't hurt not going to the ceremony, I will be there in spirit. The proud in me will always be there. Forever!

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Barring technical issues Jeffry, we should have that PIR video live on the main page....

I just got back from my sailors PIR.  You should watch the PIR video when it happens.  It is impressive and I know how you feel about not being there, but you have to take solace in the fact that your son is going to be surrounded by mates that share a unique bond. I'll tell you a secret that I gleaned from being at that Pass In Review.  It is not their biggest moment during boot.  Sure, they get that sense of honor showing off their status to you and the crowd, but I had more than one sailor tell me that the highlight of their time, was just after completing Battle Stations.  And NONE of us will or can be there for that!  My sailor said it was the highlight of her time to exchange caps and do something that they'll never do again, shake their RDC's hand.  Get over the drama of not seeing the pomp and circumstance and swell your chest over the pride and honor he's bringing to the family name.

Speaking of family names.  My girl told me she forgot she had a first name after these last eight weeks, I said that I appreciate her bringing honor to history of our shared name.

That's my two cents.  We got them this far, it's now their pony to ride.

Hi Jeffrey

My son will be graduating with your son on December 11. Let me know if I can assist and I'll see what I can do.

Buy the dvd. I did and it was worth it

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