Navy Dads

(CNN) -- Three members of a U.S. Navy helicopter crew were killed after their helicopter went down in the waters off San Diego, California, a Navy spokeswoman said Wednesday.

Rescuers are still searching for the two remaining crew members from the helicopter, which went down late Tuesday night, U.S. Navy spokeswoman Karin Burzynski said.

No further details concerning the deaths were immediately available.

Burzynski said the helicopter was operating from the USS Nimitz. The Navy received word that the helicopter went down around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, she said.

It crashed about 20 miles off the Mexican coast, the Navy said.

Coast Guard spokesman Henry Dunphy told CNN earlier that Coast Guard helicopters and boats, as well as vessels from other agencies, were helping in the search

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That's tragic news. I will keep the sailors and their families in my thoughts and prayers.
How tragic. A grim reminder that our sons and daughters take risks all of the time, whether they are in a war zone or not. I'll say a prayer for them.
This cuts very close to home. My son is a Rescue Swimmer, only 22 years old and goes up on these Helo's as a part of his job. Currently he is on USS George Washington and they have just shipped out of port from Japan two days ago. It is hard to imagine how I would feel if that happened to him. We lift up the families of those who just lost loved ones in prayer for God to comfort them and shower His grace upon them. This Memorial day will be especially hard for them, as well as for the millions of families proudly remembering those who have given of themselves for us to be free.

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