Navy Dads

New to the forum. Thought I would say hello and make a post. 

I have 3 sons 21,20 and 17. My two oldest are currently in the Navy and my youngest is a couple weeks out from joining the Marine Corps. Looking around at most Gen Z kids these days, I just shake my head. However, could not be more proud of mine. 

My oldest got out of boot camp and went to A school in Pensacola with AC rate ( Air Traffic control )  To my knowledge, it is one of the most difficult schools in the Navy. Almost a years worth of study crammed into 3 months. he started with 22 other students and halfway through only 8 were left. 

When the class was over my son was awarded the Honor graduate which gave him and instant promotion to E4. He was then stationed at a large base in Southern California. 

In Q4 of last year he was nominated for the Navy's Blue Jacket award. I am not going to explain what that is, if curious google it. Basically, 1 sailor is nominated for each quarter and 1 ends up winning the award. Well, you might have seen this coming, my son won it for 2021. This got him a promotion to E5 in just 18 months in the Navy. Maybe comment below if you know anyone to get to E5 in that time. For sure curious. 

He is just weeks away from becoming a certified Tower Supervisor. Very, very few with an AC rate ever make it to that level. He was also given a Bravo Zulu for another event that happened while on duty.  

He is currently getting his private pilots license and will work on a degree in aviation to become and officer and head to flight school. I am hoping he makes it to fly the F-22 Raptor. But is just me :) 

My middle son finished boot camp and got stationed in Japan. His rate is AD ( Aircraft machinist )  He currently works on base on AH 60 helicopters. His ship is the Ron Regan when deployed.  Summer 2021 he deployed for 6 month dealing with the Afghanistan "withdrawal"  15 hours a day, but at night on the flight deck. 7 days a week. He said " Dad it was the hardest thing I have ever and may ever do, but it changed me. And now I know I can do anything"

He has been promoted to E4 and currently on a select assignment in another Asian country for about a month. Sometime next year he will deploy on the Blue Ridge for some amount of time. A great honor to be chosen to deploy on that ship. 

I have one son left that as I mentioned and he is just a few weeks from finishing high school early so he can immediately ship out to bootcamp and live his dream as a Marine. 

Needless to say you will be hard pressed to find a Navy Dad who is more proud of his sons. 

God Bless America and the ones who defend it. 

If you are just a parent of a teenager looking around and found this forum. I cannot stress enough how joining the military can and will change your son or daughter life for the better. They will come back a strong man or woman ready to take on whatever life throws at them!

Take care everyone! And thank you for your sons or daughters service!!!

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Hoping ours gets to come home for the holidays (just graduated last Friday). His A school starts mid-January and then he'll be heading to a ship in Mayport

So, as requested. Here are my three boys. On the left is J. He is an AD stationed in Japan. I have not seen him in two years. Currently E4 ( 30 months in ) 

In the middle is my just turned 18 year old R. He is about to enlist. Still not sure where he is going. He loves Special forces and is looking at Marines, Navy and Army. I think his final decision in days away. 

On the right is L. He is an AC in San Diego. Current an E5 ( 28 months in )  He was Honor Grad in A school. Won Sailor of the year 2021. Is up for Sailor of the year for 2022. ( March he will know )  Currently a Tower Supervisor at his air base. 

And here is me and the boys taking a Tequilla shot together. We are from Texas after all. Take care, and Merry Christmas!! 

Very cool.  My son got home today...has a few weeks off.

That is awesome! I am sure you are like me. So happy to have your son(s) home for Christmas !!!! 

Kevin and Eric, good stuff! Enjoy the holidays; our new Sailor is home as well for a couple weeks before kicking off A School back in Great Lakes and a ship out of Mayport 

Most excellent! Merry Christmas!

Eric Austin said:

So, as requested. Here are my three boys. On the left is J. He is an AD stationed in Japan. I have not seen him in two years. Currently E4 ( 30 months in ) 

In the middle is my just turned 18 year old R. He is about to enlist. Still not sure where he is going. He loves Special forces and is looking at Marines, Navy and Army. I think his final decision in days away. 

On the right is L. He is an AC in San Diego. Current an E5 ( 28 months in )  He was Honor Grad in A school. Won Sailor of the year 2021. Is up for Sailor of the year for 2022. ( March he will know )  Currently a Tower Supervisor at his air base. 

And here is me and the boys taking a Tequilla shot together. We are from Texas after all. Take care, and Merry Christmas!! 

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