Navy Dads

So my son is at RTC.  Shipped out on 11/28, this last monday was a rough day for me. Does it get any easier?  When could we expect a phone call? Is there a point where we will know he has made it through, week wise I mean?


He is on Ship 12, tentative PIR date is 1/25/2013.


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Tim...the 8 weeks at RTC are as hard on the parents as they are on the Recruits! It is an emotional "rollercoaster" that we have all been through. I think that you will feel better when the first letters start to arrive around week 3. It is so difficult to be out of touch. There should be a phonecall around week 4 (at the discretion of the RDC's). After that, things seem to move along a bit quicker. The last phonecall is the one that you will have been waiting for.....the "I'm a US Sailor" call!!!

   My best advice to you is to write as often as you can. Learn as much as you can at this site as to what your Sailor is going through week by week. Use this place to connect with those that are going through this with you...Feel free to ask anything or just vent. Before you know it you will be sitting at P.I.R. feeling on top of the world and experiencing one of the proudest moments of your life! I wish you and yours the best of luck in the coming weeks!

Thanks for the encouragement.

If I can be of any help...just shout out! It's my way of paying it forward.....

Thanks Tom & everyone.  I got I guess what I see referenced as the "Form Letter" in the mail today.  That listed his address, a brochure about where to stay and how to get the parking passes.  So I do have a viable address.   

  Dont worry. As everyone here said, it is all down hill from here.   My sons ship did some things well one week and the RDCs rewarded thim with computer, food and phone priviledges.  They had a choice.  Thankfully my son chose a phone call.  Writing is the most important thing to them that you could do.  My son told me that.  Its about the only contact with the outside world they get while in boot.  Hope this helps some.  Good luck!

Hold onto that letter, Tim as you will need the information as things progress. Now sit down and write! It is as therapeutic for you as it is for your SR....LOL! Next....grab a lawn chair and set up camp next to your mailbox. Be prepared with a box of are going to need them when the first letters roll in and you begin to sense the changes that your Son is going through! Trust me when I say that the ends justify the means......Hold on is one heck of a ride!!!!

Tim, right there with u. My son shipped on the 4th of this month. Week and a day. The weekend was rough but I have gotten my form letter and am patiently awaiting the first real letter. I sent out the first letter I wrote which was the day after he left, just held it til I got his address, lol.

I heard from him last night, he was needing informatin so they could build a profile for him, due to his rating. Sounded good, didn't get much time to talk. Have received the form letter and PIR is scheduled for 1/25/2012.

My son also got there on Dec 4.  He called that night, said it would be about 3 weeks before he could call again.  We got the box with his belongings in it a few days ago, still waiting on the form letter.

Ny son got there on 11/28/2012,


It gets easier Tim , I promise ! Stay committed to writing letters daily and the further down the road you'll get letters and occasional phone calls that will light up your life ! Thank your recruit for me for serving !! Hooyah !!

Hi John my son is on Ship 12 Div 072 Graduation is 1-25-13 and we are so looking forward to this Day! So far he has been in since Nov 27 and we have had no letter no call as of yet.  I know he has changed and grown into his new life as SR because he's never been this long being away from home or contacting his parents.  I will feel most better just to hear from him knowing he is ok because I do wonder how hes doing and if he is adjusting and how he is making it mentally physically and all his challenges supposing no word is good news huh?

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