Navy Dads

I'm starting a discussion, and asking everyone to contribute, to find out what we can do to make better and to better serve your needs. The site is almost a year old and through the tremendous efforts of EG and Terry and all the members, I think has really developed into a site that provides great help in addressing your concerns about your sons and daughters journey in the Navy. I'm interested in finding out what works for you and what doesn't....but more importantly, what we can do to make the site better. So please take a few minutes and let us know your impressions of what we've done and what you'd like to see us do. Without your feedback we can't well address your let us know how we're doing, what we can do better, and what you'd like to see on

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I have been apart of the Navy Dads site now for about 4 months. I like the way it is. But as with anything there always room for improvement. I have found that posting either text or pics are pretty simple. I think that alot of good hard work and effort has been put into this site and I think most if not all will agree that this site helps alot with calming parents fears.
I agree with everything that you said about this being a very informative site. I only wish that I had found this site before Trevor went to bootcamp so that I would have had a better idea of what we were getting into and what we had ahead of us. I have learned alot from the individuals that I have met and talked to about what my son has in front of him. I hope that I have passed along some of the information that I found out on my own and some information that I have learned from others. I commend you, Terry and E.G. on the job that you guys have done on getting this site out to the public and doing almost all of the recruiting by word of mouth. I myself stumbled across this site, as many of our members have, looking for a place for dads as my wife is a member of Navy4moms.
One thing that I can think of off the top of my head is that alot of websites these days are going to a mobile style webpage. These webpages load easier on a cell phone and they are in a smaller format so that they will load easier on a phone. I am not sure as to how technilogically advanced alot of our members are. I know that when I try to get onto Navydads on my cell phone to check when I get an email that someone has left a comment in a group that I am a member of. I get the messenger right in the middle of the page and it makes it hard to see the page. I don't know if that will help this any or not but it does make it difficult to get on and check out what is happening while I am away from home.
i think this is a great site especially for people with sons and daughters going to bootcamp. One of the best features is its unique ability for parents and relatives to verify the emotions they are having as the navy process begins. I think from a bootcamp standpoint it would be beneficial to post a map showing the entry gate for pir. Another thing that could be done would be to designate a general gathering place be it a restaurant or motel so that those not attached to any little group would have a place to hook up with other parents. The site is really good but after bootcamp it kind of loses itself which I guess is to be expected. I know that without this site the first few weeks of the great lakes experience would have been a nightmare. I dont know if this site will ever rival navy 4 moms simply because of the differences in gender.
Other than JohnM's idea I really can't "think" of much more to I've said many times before, EG, Paul & Terry have done a fantastic job here and are to be commended. I have seen several comments with "I wish I had know about this before" so maybe there's a lead...would the Navy recruiting offices endorse this? Take care all and keep on N4D'ing.
I was thinking that if you contacted the Department of the Navy, Office of Public Affairs, and explained what this site is about, they would likely help promote your efforts as it certainly serves the Navy. The same can be accomplished for each command or ship through their relative Public Affairs Officers.
I thoroughly enjoy this site. It is what every parent of a sailor wants and should know about,

Suggestion #1 would be the placement of a sailors MOS- Ex (GM, AE etc) next to each members name. It could be a quick ref: for those of us who want to find members with young sailors in the same career fields. I feel this would aid during boot camp, INDOC, S.C.C., A.T.T., and A-school.

Suggestion #2 A complete explanation of the above mentioned terms including Phase 1, 2, 3. The duration of each school and phase. The possible delays between each school combined with ship transfers. It would help parents and others understand the training times and down times.

Suggestion #3 This discussion should have the newest suggestions appear first and not last.

Just thoughts, hope they are sound ones. Gary T.
Has then been any thoughts from the administrator to possibly get with either local recruiters or even the recruiting division in DC to see if they would recognize as a possible officical site for US sailor family and friends. Also maybe getting the Military Channel on board wont hurt either.

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