Navy Dads

My son has been in the DEP program for just about a year. Here we are 15 days before his ship date he gets a text from his recruiter asking him to give the office a call. He called the recruiting office and was told he will not be shipping out on July 14 due to budget cuts they have to push him back and he will not be able to ship out until at least Oct. 1st at the very earliest more like nov. or dec.and the start of the new fiscal year. Now keep in mind he has a contract that he signed and signed by the enlisted classifier at the Meps station that guarantees his ship date. I just don't get it. This kid has wanted to do this his whole life and here he is days away from the start of his journey and the powers that be move the goal post. They tried to get him to either drop his rate and pick another,or sign as undesignated. Now keep in mind this kid and his dad (me) have been researching his choice to become a Navy Sea Bee for years. And there is no way he will switch rates and not a snow balls chance in hell he will go undesignated. Now don't get me wrong I understand that the navy needs come first but you mean to tell me this system is so messed up that they are signing contracts and assigning jobs that they have no intention of honoring? We have requested a meeting with the recruiting station Chief. I don't expect a reversal on the decision made by big Navy but my kid need something in the form of an answer. He is so upset at this point he is talking about quitting his life long dream of being a Seabee and entering a apprenticeship in the civilian sector. We discussed him not making a rash decision and we would wait to see what comes from our meeting with the Chief. I was just wanting to vent on this board and see if any others have been through this kind of thing.
Thank you

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tell your government to spend some money on the military and that people need to be willing to pay more taxes.  the Navy considers itself over manned due to sequestration and budget cuts and unless your sailor to be is in a preferred rating this happens at the end of tight fiscal years that are also election years..........

My son also had the same message from his recruiter, he was scheduled to ship out to boot camp in 30 days. He didn't mention anything about budget cuts though.

He did say his Rate is over manned and gave us some options. which we were supposed to discuss today but then he sent message tody saying he wont be in the office today. can we meet next week. how convenient.

He is the longest DEP sailor they have and its very upsetting. since I was in the Navy, I told him stuff like this happens.

Telling a father to tell his government to spend more money and pay more taxes is a pretty lame comment to say, isn't right. but I get his point.

I'm sure that's what you son wants to hear after making his decision to enlist and defend his country

Tell your son to Hang Tough and be patient. If he wants to be a Sea Bee, then he should continue after his goals to be one. When Aug 1st hits, my son will be in 4 years. He's an ET and luckily didn't have any problems with going to boot camp. One of his high school buddies went in 2 years after him and wanted a Sea Bee slot...but wasn't willing to he went in undesignated....poor kid is now half way through his enlistment and still hasn't had a Sea Bee slot offered to him. He ended up in the same ARG as my son...they are just on different ships...Unfortunately, this is some of the dark side of the military...Sea Bees have the "Can Do" attitude! He'll get just got to play the game..

Gary, I think we've seen this before at the end or near the end of the fiscal year. However, I don't recall seeing that a depper had to wait as long as your son is being asked to wait. But he will get to realize his dream...eventually. Tell him to hang in there and wait it out. Lots of sailors will be retiring at the end of the year and they will need to be replaced. 

Jim above said it best, you just got to play the game.

My daughter left for boot camp on June 13th and is now ben sitting in SEPS for 2 weeks because nothing she was told has happened and it caused her to brake and have major panic attacks. It has been her dream as well and they have been crushed, she is miserable there and is made to feel like such a looser by her physiologist , I am not impressed at all by the system and my husband was Navy 20 years ago, they say it is better now he says no it is not.

You said it , it is a game and they have and they have 108 young ladies sitting in SEPS and over 90 young men and more on there was due to the games. All so if they are so tight on money why are they holding these kids so long and feeding them and giving them medical when they could just go home. It cost more money to hold them.

They have so many that they are suppose to be able to call home twice a week and we have not been able to get a call from our daughter in going on 2 weeks. All so she was told to sign  the HIPA release so we as her parents can call to check on her medical status yet when I called I was told they could not tell me anything. What is the point of signing the HIPA release. It is all bullshit.

My son is/was scheduled to change duty stations from NAS Lemoore to NAS Whidbey Island this summer; looks like he has also been caught up in the budgetary issues and has been delayed until Q1 or Q2 of the 2017 fiscal year (which starts in October).  Needless to say he was disappointed, but there is a potential silver lining as it looks like he *may* get MAPed to an AD2 rate as a result.

To Gary Eickmann, Bill Monahan, and JoDean, tell your sons and daughter to hang in there; when I was in the Marines back in the 1970s we were fond of saying, "Hurry up and wait."  Then as now, it seems like those who suck it up, keep a good "Can do" attitude, go the furthest the quickest.

Sweet! Good for him!!

Hang in there Guys! My son was a DEP. He was suppose to go in Feb of next year. He received a call from his recruitor on June 09 stating a new job came up for my son a (GSE) rating. My son was very excited, but, was told that he had to ship out June 13th. He just started a new job 4 days prior. He jump on the chance and was very happy! So, your son's and daughter's can get that call any day! just tell them to be prepared!!! It could happen that quick... Best luck! Everything will work out!

My son was scheduled to ship on July 7th, after a year and a month he was told one week before he was to ship that his ship date has been moved to Jan 10th 2016.
This is unbelievable!!! :(.
He was so ready to start his life and had quit his job a couple of weeks before.
We were told that his rate AV was selected , not receiving any additional recruits for A school until Jan. That is crazy??? All due to a payroll issue that they discovered!
Has anyone else experienced this? What have you been told!!

Very simple...the government has mandated, thru sequestration, budget cuts and limits- it's the end of a fiscal year coming up.....not that unusual

Ronny Lee said:

My son was scheduled to ship on July 7th, after a year and a month he was told one week before he was to ship that his ship date has been moved to Jan 10th 2016.
This is unbelievable!!! :(.
He was so ready to start his life and had quit his job a couple of weeks before.
We were told that his rate AV was selected , not receiving any additional recruits for A school until Jan. That is crazy??? All due to a payroll issue that they discovered!
Has anyone else experienced this? What have you been told!!
Thanks for the reply ! It is just frustrating! But as an veteran of the navy I understand things happen out of our control. But as a father I wanted to be sure he was not being BS'd by the recruiter . I have been on the web looking to see if any others have experienced the same issue but this is the only post I have found close to what he was told. We may look into being reclassified to a rate that is not being held back . But I told him to ride it out until after Oct and see if things change! Before we make in drastic choices ! This is his life we are trying to jump start!!

Some 10 future sailor's in my son's DEP group had their ship date pushed back to October/November.  Fortunately my son was told he's still scheduled to leave at the end of this month.  Hang in there Ronny Lee.  I can't imagine your son's frustration but I hope he sees this through.  In the context of an entire career, a couple of months will seem like a mere blip later in life.

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