Navy Dads

My son is currently half way thru ET A school and is seriously considering subs. When will he need to volunteer? If he dose get excepted dose he get to choose which class of sub he works on? Is prototype different for class of subs and carriers?

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Your son has to finish A then move on to C school then onto to prototype school. Prototype school usually involves the same kind of working reactors that will be found in either subs/carriers. At that point, sub school in Groton/ New London.  He has a lot of steps before becoming a submariner.

I'm pretty sure they can volunteer for subs at any point in the pipeline. They will definitely need to do it before orders are drawn up near the end of prototype. He can specify his preference for which class of sub he wants when he fills out his "dream sheet." However, "needs of the navy" will usually prevail and they'll end up sending him where they have a slot to fill, which may or may not be on a sub. The only certainty is that they won't send personnel to a sub unless they volunteer for it.
Prototype training is the same for carriers or subs.

He can, indeed volunteer at any time. There will be a cut off at some point in Prototype when the detailers have to start cutting orders but he can volunteer any time up to that point. I didn't actually volunteer until I was in Prototype. Nukes do not attend Sub School.

I did not realize that nukes do not attend sub school. Can they get their dolphins on board?

Absolutely. They are required to. The reason Nukes don't go to Sub School is because they get most of the training that they would get in Sub School in Prototype. The Sub school curriculum places a pretty heavy focus on damage control (DC) (combating fires, flooding and other casualties). Part of the Prototype training also concentrates on DC. Students are required to participate in casualty drills at every watch station during the course of their Prototype training and are quizzed pretty heavily on casualty control in their oral and written exams.

To clarify my comment that Nukes do not attend Sub School, Enlisted Nukes do not attend Sub School. Officers will attend the Submarine Officer Basic Course (SOBC) in route to their first boat following completion of Prototype. 



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