Navy Dads

AECF ET A school and beyond


AECF ET A school and beyond

A Place for discussion of those with a sailor either rated as an AECF ET or for those attending A school to become ET rated.

Members: 71
Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Son just enlisted 6yo for ET

Started by Terry grimes. Last reply by Scott Karneth Apr 21, 2014. 3 Replies

My son finishes boot camp... now what?

Started by Corly Fernandez. Last reply by Scott Karneth Nov 8, 2013. 2 Replies

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Comment by Larry Jenuwine on June 21, 2010 at 9:21am
I wouldn't be concerned at all. I really think that the brass wants to keep their finger on the pulse of the enlisted folks. Maybe he will get a Bravo Zulo for it. Getting that call on fathers day is all that much more special when they are away from home.

On another topic. John is again coming home for July 4th. If your sailor is flying make sure you ask for the the military discount on airfare. It was about 10% on Chicago to Detroit flights.
Comment by Bob Kline on June 21, 2010 at 8:52am
When my daughter was in Boot Camp she and another recruit were "voluntold" that they were going to have breakfast with the CO and a bunch of Chiefs and their wives. It was a very pleasant experience. I don't read into it anything more than the brass reaching out and listening to the enlisted's concerns.
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on June 7, 2010 at 5:05pm
I am still monitoring this group as well guys. Trevor is on his way to moving into military housing and out of an apartment with his wife and daughter.
I remember when Trevor had to do the human flag for Memorial day ceremonies. Trevor said they also had to wait a while for the photographer.
Larry it is great that you were able to have John home for the memorial day weekend. I am sure that that was a long trip back home for you and your wife but the extra time with our sailors is priceless. Yes the things we do for our kids sometimes lead to a long hard day for us the next day but all-in-all they are worth the lost sleep for just a couple hours more time spent with them.
Comment by Larry Jenuwine on June 7, 2010 at 2:11pm
I am still monitoring this group. John has settled nicely into A school and is pulling some nice scores on his tests. He got to come home for Memorial Day weekend. It was nice to have him home again. The bad part was Monday afternoon when they cancelled his returning flight due to the bad weather. His mother and I drove him back to GL, turned around and drove home and then we both had to work on Tuesday. The things we do for our kids!!!
Comment by Bob Kline on June 7, 2010 at 2:03pm
Its been mighty quiet around here lately. Did everyone abandon ship? I heard that the sailors had to go out and form a human flag last weekend. Rosie said that they basically sat out in a field for three hours waiting on the photographer. How is everybody else doing?
Comment by Bob Kline on May 25, 2010 at 12:23pm
Hey Clay, what do they have Ang doing while she's on hold?
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on May 24, 2010 at 4:12pm
Trevor was the same way when he was in att. when he started A-school he ended up being the same way there too. Sounds now that they have changed the schooling to keep the sailors all together at the same pace. Trevor finished 2 weeks ahead of his class and was helping other sailors out with their work that needed help. When he got to his final the instructor gave himm an extra question that he challenged Trevor with.
Instructor waited until everyone was done with their test and challenged Trevor with a question that he said he has given to the students like trevor for years. Challenge is that the student taking question has to troubleshoot the problem and fix it(working condition) in less than an hour. If the student completes Instructor buys all of the class Pizza. catch is that student has to go against PO2 in same field. Trevor finished in 45 minutes completely working condition. PO2 couldn't complete the task in alotted time.
Comment by clay H on May 24, 2010 at 8:52am
At least she can get a study group together now.... in Att she was on an average 5 to 7 days ahead....
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on May 19, 2010 at 10:05pm
Nick and Larry that is awesome news. tell the boys Bravo zulu for me. Clay that is also awesome news. Ang will be glad she has done as good as she has because when it comes to picking her destination for her for her duty. It is much easier to get the assignment you want when your grades are high (they get first choice)
Comment by clay H on May 19, 2010 at 9:59am
Ang is sittting on hold For A school, finished a week (5 1/2 days )early grade of 96.... finally a school she wants to pass!!!!!!!

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Form letter

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Boot Camp

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SHIP 06 DIV 100

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Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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