Navy Dads

AECF ET A school and beyond


AECF ET A school and beyond

A Place for discussion of those with a sailor either rated as an AECF ET or for those attending A school to become ET rated.

Members: 71
Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Son just enlisted 6yo for ET

Started by Terry grimes. Last reply by Scott Karneth Apr 21, 2014. 3 Replies

My son finishes boot camp... now what?

Started by Corly Fernandez. Last reply by Scott Karneth Nov 8, 2013. 2 Replies

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Comment by Larry Jenuwine on February 8, 2010 at 6:28am
Congradulations on your graduation. Bravo Zulu. My son is currently in ATT across the street and will be attending ET A school. He didn't seem to think there was more female ET's then male. Maybe the Navy needs some females ET's for some reason right now.
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on February 7, 2010 at 1:57pm
my son is an ETSN satellite communications. As far as ratios I don't know.
Comment by Seeky Wolf on February 7, 2010 at 1:55pm
Best of luck to you and your son, then.

You know, something I noticed in my div and brother div at boot camp was, of the AECF kids, the males were more often FCs, females were ETs. Anyone know the ratio of female to male ETs?
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on February 7, 2010 at 1:42pm
very smart idea. My son Graduated boot camp about a year and a half ago. He has gone through his Att, A-School, C-School and is now in the fleet on deployment. We are currently trying to get him back off of his ship due to the passing of his grandmother. We have gone through the redcross and they are currently working with the U.S. Embassy in the country he is in to get him homeward bound. It has been a chore to say the least.
Comment by Seeky Wolf on February 7, 2010 at 1:21pm
I'm related to a Dad, but I'm preserving my anonymity in case I say the wrong thing and someone sees it. :D
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on February 7, 2010 at 1:18pm
good luck seeky wolf. are you related to anyone here on Navy Dads? I would like to give you a big Bravo Zulu on your graduation from Boot camp and good luck on your future endeavors as an ET.
Comment by Seeky Wolf on February 7, 2010 at 12:21pm
Graduated boot camp on the 5th, I'll be going to ET A school, and they say we're to start on the 16th, as of my soft orders. Wish me luck!
Comment by Larry Jenuwine on February 5, 2010 at 7:55am
He should get in touch with John. He will answer whatever questions he needs.

Comment by Jim Butler on February 5, 2010 at 7:40am
Talked to Chris again last night...seemed strange, TWO nights in a row! LOL
Anyway...funny kid...he was bored. Bored?? Are ya kiddin'???? He was on Liberty, and was complaining, because no one had told him what he could do or not do, and he felt they should have. I asked him if he'd asked his Chief, and he said no, you can't do that, because then you're a "dumb-ass"...I mentioned that maybe you're a dumb-ass for not asking? lol
Asked if he'd gone for a run yet, he said no, didn't know if he was allowed to (the kids on liberty?...LOL) Said he hadn't seen anyone ELSE do it, so he wasn't going to because he wasn't going to get in trouble.
Anyway...we told him to get his butt over to one of the gyms and work out for awhile.
Still wasn't sure what was happening with his quarters, and when he might move to permanent, or what was happening with school yet.
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on February 4, 2010 at 8:05am
Thats wonderful news Jim. Now sometimes what the sailors hear in the form of waits and delays moving from one phase to the next isn't always true. Trevor was told he would have a weeks delay after ATT and start his A school ended up being almost 2 months . Then at the end of A school he got his soft orders (written on paper) that he would go to San Diego for Cshcool but there were no dates on them because the Navy didn't have the money to move people andwould have to wait for the new physcal year to have money to make the necessary moves. The day before graduation from Cschool he got his hard orders and was told he had to report to San Diego on the 27th of June.
Trevor also loved the USO rooms with the drums. he said he banged on the drums for a while and it made his days alot better. Having a happy sailor is a very good thing.

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