Navy Dads

AECF ET A school and beyond


AECF ET A school and beyond

A Place for discussion of those with a sailor either rated as an AECF ET or for those attending A school to become ET rated.

Members: 71
Latest Activity: May 25, 2023

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Son just enlisted 6yo for ET

Started by Terry grimes. Last reply by Scott Karneth Apr 21, 2014. 3 Replies

My son finishes boot camp... now what?

Started by Corly Fernandez. Last reply by Scott Karneth Nov 8, 2013. 2 Replies

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Comment by Larry Jenuwine on September 23, 2009 at 6:20am
My son leaves for GL on Oct 8th for boot. This rating is what he contracted for when he entered dep. Will he get into this A school or is that still up to the needs of the navy?
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on September 5, 2009 at 7:06pm
Congrats Dan and welcome to the group. I cannot comment on the FC side of this group as my son is an ET. wish your son Good luck for me and give him a big BRAVO ZULU
Comment by Dan Blodgett on September 5, 2009 at 6:54pm
New here ! My oldest son is currently in ATT then is set for FC "A" school. Anyone with info about their kids after reporting to a ship and if they still like being an FC? Thanks.
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on September 4, 2009 at 8:59pm
Congratulations Cecyl. My son has just recently moved to san diego for his C Schools. He is almost done with #1 of 2.
Comment by Cecyl & Jill (Brandon's parents) on September 4, 2009 at 8:06pm
Hi my wife and I just found this site. She was on NFM and found a posting from here. Ours son is at GL and just finished his ATT. He is now on hold waiting to start his ET A school.
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on August 8, 2009 at 6:14pm
Andrew welcome to the group congratulations on your sons joining the Navy.Now as to the answers to your questions as best I can answer. My experience is that while your son/daughter is in bootcamp they will be accessed as to test scores and like you said the Navy's need for a particular rating at the current time of Bootcamp. My son Trevor was lucky to be in a group that had a high demand for FC's and a not so high demand for ET's so this put him in a situation as to where his test scores placed him into the ET rating. Not that it would have been a lesser asssignment for him to be an FC just that he has always excelled in the right places at the right times.
Trevor had to wait for 4 weeks for his A-school to class up as the demand for ET's as I said was not high at his time of Bootcamp. So as you can see where I am going with this alot of it has to do with the demand of the Navy as to how the recruits will be divided/split. The slimmer the need for ET's at the time puts it at a tougher class for them as there is less to pick from so they take the best they can get. Trevor has so far sailed (excuse the pun)through a School and is getting high remarks from his instructor in his first C-school in San Diego.
I hope that I answered some of your questions with my mindless ramblings about my son but i am just so damn proud of him and what he has done. be sure that in your letters that you send to your son (when you get the address in 2-3 weeks) to express just how proud you are of them and to remind them that all the hard work pays off in the end.
Comment by Andrew Ross on August 3, 2009 at 12:02am
My son left for boot camp last Thursday. He chose AECF and hopes he can attain the ET rating. His original contract, when he DEP'd in, was for ET, which we thought was odd; however, the contract he signed before he left was for AECF. Through researching the rating, it appears that there is no way to secure your rating of choice (ET or FC); it appears to be at the needs of the Navy, is this correct?

I have heard that this particular field has a very difficult A school. Can someone convey their sailor's experience?

Comment by Jean, PNM in Texas on July 10, 2009 at 1:31pm
OK....this is son called last night and informed me that he had just gotten back from rock climbing on the he's going to be doing some skydiving. Boy did I make a mistake, I should have signed up years ago!!! I know, they work their rear-ends off just to have some of the "good times" that we can go do any day of the week we want. I'm just so glad he is having the time of his life!!! I was worried about him in BC but learned right away that 99% of the SRs feel the same as my son did in BC
Comment by Jean, PNM in Texas on July 10, 2009 at 1:22pm
Hi Lori!! Good luck to your son! Tell him thank you!!! My sons PIR was Thursday July 2nd and he is just beginning his A school.
Comment by NavyDads Admin, Tim on June 17, 2009 at 10:25pm
welcome to the group greenlo. It is a long ride but it is well worth the ride. My son Trevor, Daughter-in-law and Grand daughter left this morning from Oklahoma bound for San Diego. They spent a week here at home on their way from Great Lakes to San Diego. Wow I hope your son eric is ok with snow and lots of it. There is alot of snow in the great lakes area from the end of October to April.
Has Eric found out if he is going to be an ET or FC yet? I can tell you that if he gets the E.T. rating he will get to spend B.C. and A-school in Great Lakes. BC is 8 weeks, scc, att and A-school is 4 months. Depending on how fast he classes up for scc, att and A-school. Trevor left for basic last June PIR'ed in August then started A-school in January. Graduated in April and got his orders a month ago to be in San Diego for C-school the 25th of this month. Good Luck to Eric and thank him for serving for me.

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