Navy Dads

AECF FC A school and beyond


AECF FC A school and beyond

A group where proud parents of FCs can get together for chat, info and check in from time to time and see how things are going.


Members: 84
Latest Activity: Sep 16

So, I haven't heard from FC1 Officer in some time. I deleted all the info here because it is probably wildly out of date. When I can get more current information I will post it here again. I'll see if my son can get me some new information.

Discussion Forum

FC 'A' School FAQ (Updated 16 NOV 2010)

Started by FC1 (SW) Sean M. Officer. Last reply by Dianne Loflin Aug 27, 2013. 5 Replies

I thought I'd take the time to address some of the more common questions I have seen in the group. Q.) What do FCs do?A.) As Fire controlman, We Operate, Maintain and Repair Shipboard weapon systems…Continue

New to GL ATT school as of 7/15/11

Started by Jack Larwa. Last reply by Jack Larwa Oct 26, 2011. 10 Replies

I know, I know.  I don't write the date in military format. Ok, my son entered training at GL on 7/11.  He is still in indoc and will be doing ATT and AECF for FC rate.  They told him to get…Continue

Class Up Update as of 5/24/10

Started by Paul (Zac's Dad FC). Last reply by Hannah Baxter Aug 11, 2011. 5 Replies

Just some info I requested that I'm passing on. Since there were so many questions on how long it is taking to class up I ask for an update so I could post it for everyone. Here it is.The current…Continue

Aegis Ashore

Started by Mary, Proud Mom Oct 27, 2010. 0 Replies

Administration eyes land-based SPYBy Philip Ewing - Staff writerPosted : Monday Oct 25, 2010 5:37:47 EDTAs the…Continue

Tags: Aegis

Comment Wall


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Comment by Mary, Proud Mom on March 23, 2010 at 6:30pm
Paul, putting the FAQs will be very valuable as new members join the group. It has a wealth of information in it.
Comment by Mary, Proud Mom on March 23, 2010 at 6:29pm
A new question for FC1 Officer that effects all of our FCs. Can you talk about the security clearance process? I know Tomahawk requires Top secret, other systems require secret. I know when our son entered DEP we did a lot of paperwork for the security clearance but when he landed at his C school - it still was not completed 100%. I believe someone told me the Navy does a short check meaning no convictions but they do a more indepth clearance later. We had a friend that was in school for STG and was pulled from the class because of his clearance ---- bad debt issues.

Can you speak to the difference clearances for the FC systems and when are these actually done?
Comment by Paul (Zac's Dad FC) on March 23, 2010 at 6:15pm
I think I have the FAQ setup so it will be kept at the top if other discussions are started. Feel free to start up other discussions. If you want a discussion set as a feature I can do that. I'll keep an eye out for things that seem important and will feature them as needed.

Some great conversation and info going on though. I really do appreciate FC1 Officer's input. Thank you for that.

Carry on!
Comment by Paul (Zac's Dad FC) on March 23, 2010 at 6:04pm
Great info in the FAQ FC1. Do the students get told this info as well? I remember all my training I had in AF bootcamp and after. We didn't get a lot of info about things. Pretty much just shut-up and color. LOL
Comment by FC1 (SW) Sean M. Officer on March 23, 2010 at 3:15pm
The main difference between FC and ET schools is that the FC's Get the FC Modules described inthe FAQ. ET's get another equipment block complete with hands on labs for the communication gear they work on. That is where the difference in course length comes from. Both schools go through exactly the same "non-equip" and radar modules.
Comment by Mary, Proud Mom on March 23, 2010 at 2:52pm
wow --- 515 students, no wonder the holds have been so extensive this year - combines with budget cuts...
Comment by Mary, Proud Mom on March 23, 2010 at 2:50pm
No, please don't do any work on the ET questions. I'd rather you focus your attention on the school and of course our FC questions!!! :-) I just thought the A school programs for both rates were somewhat similiar and then they change up once they move off to C school.

Our son's system called for a DDG 92 and above -
Comment by FC1 (SW) Sean M. Officer on March 23, 2010 at 2:48pm
ET 'A' School is 18 weeks long, FC 'A' school is 13 weeks long. ET's do still got through ATT all in one shot. We are trying a pilot program now with the ICs that will combine the curriculum of ATT and IC 'A' school. If it works, we will be doing the same with ETs and FCs as well. We chose the ICs to test it on because they only have about 60 students right now compared to the 515 in FC 'A' school. =)
Comment by FC1 (SW) Sean M. Officer on March 23, 2010 at 2:36pm
For FCs, dream sheets do not really come into play until 'C' School. Mary, you are correct in your thought that the length of the school determines follow on orders. Most of our 'C' Schools are 6 months long. There are a few FC 'C' Schools that are short enough that students pick their ship while they are still here but majority of students will not get to pick a ship until shortly before graduating from 'C' School. My personal experience was alot like the process we have here. A few weeks before I graduated my 'C' school they came in with 12 sets of orders and we selected based on GPA. As far as what type of ship your sailor goes to, it will depend on the 'C' school they choose. Certain systems are only available on certain types of ships. For Example, Aegis schools are guaranteed to be on a CG or DDG. FFG Display will go to an FFG. My current system, Aegis Weapon System Track III, limits me to DDG91 to DDG 102.

Once your sailors gets to their first command is when the dream sheet will really comes into play. When it comes time to transfer, your sailor will get online and fill out their "dream sheet", then be presented with the available orders. They will be presented by which ones best match your sailor's desires. The sailor can then apply for those orders and the detailer takes the best fit out of all the applicants. A dream sheet is no guarantee you'll get what you want.

I will have to do some more research about the ET order process. I know it is alot more involved and they use a complex formula which includes a dream sheet to determine who geos where.
Comment by Mary, Proud Mom on March 23, 2010 at 2:34pm
No guest rooms but if he makes E5 before we go, he has to move out of the barracks and into his own place so there might be a couch to crash on! Otherwise I've been told the Navy Lodge is very nice there.

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