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I have been in the Navy for 13yrs. 4yrs as a Mess specialist on a ship in San Diego, CA. and the last 9yrs as a Navy Councelor Recruiter. I am a Recruiter in Charge of a station in Sacramento, CA. If any one would like to ask me a question feel free.

Location: Sacramento, CA
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Latest Activity: Mar 25, 2020

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Comment by Don Mullins on May 3, 2019 at 8:21pm
My son is in P-week at RTC. He enlisted under the HM-ATF program. So he'll ship to Sam Huston for A-school. What happens after that? I know there is 3 pipelines he could get. But does he get to choose (he wants the Recon option), or is it needs of the Navy? All of the pipelines have a high attrition rate, what happens if he doesn't complete the entire training pipeline?
HM is a pretty tight promotion rate, do they compete fleet wide for promotion against all NECs or do the compete just with those with same NEC?
I'm sure I'll have more questions, but this is a good start.
TIA for the information.
Comment by Jack R. on August 13, 2017 at 3:55pm

Yeah, George didn't do the STGAEF, but the STG, but he signed an additional 5th year that has something to do with the push his recruiter said.   I asked him quickly about it since he didn't choose the AEF (6 years) when George returned from MEPs and his recruiter looked at his paperwork, and basically said "yeah, here's the fifth year contract he's good".   Supposedly after basic he gets his E2 for college credits and then supposed to be E3 for A school, then get the push to E4 after A school (as long as he passes the school) as it was explained to George.  Never really saw that detail in the paperwork though.

Comment by Mike Bubb on August 13, 2017 at 2:26pm

Jack, my son's contract stated Advanced Technical Field, which means they  "push button" to E-4 provided they have Time in Rate.

Comment by Jack R. on August 13, 2017 at 1:26pm

Jim, thanks...yeah... rate, rating, rank... oh geez... got to get back to Navy terminology after all these years. :)

Let's if I can do better.   Lived with the Navy for about 5 years with the Hornet testing until dad was shipped off to Canada when they bought the Hornet. :)

Recruiter says after my son finishes A-school with passing marks, then he should be the pay grade of E4.   Bro-in-law says that sounds about right.   Just where would that be in the contract he signs before leaving? (Remembering if it isn't in writing it didn't happen)   I actually like his recruiter, and they definitely wanted him to go SpecOps or Nukes but he declined.   He's handling all that just fine, but contract review and reading he hasn't had to do a lot of yet.   He's had to manage a BBQ pit crew and was a tax intern for awhile, but never had to do major contract reviews.   So just being able to say "it should read something like this on it" would be a big help to him when doing the final review. 

Comment by NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza on August 13, 2017 at 10:08am

Jack, just keep in mind that "rate" refers to his job. HM, MM, ET, etc...

E2, E4, and so on refers to his pay grade.

Comment by Jack R. on August 12, 2017 at 11:39pm

Quick question...if the recruit is told of advancing in rank due to his enlistment commitment, where on the contract before he goes in would he look to verify it's there?   When we talked with my bro-in-law (ret. USN Capt), he said "then they have him on this, and it must be a hard rating to fill right now, they'll do right by him."   His recruiter said he gets E2 by the time of boot for his college credits, but by the time his rating training is all over then E4.   Just where in his contract would he have to look to verify if it's written down and not just a recruiter's comment/words.   When he came home from MEPs the recruiter made a comment regarding his "extension" to 5 years as being the kicker for it.   I know the old adage, don't trust anything if it's not written down, so I'm just curious where would he have to look when reviewing his contract before shipping out?

Comment by David R on January 19, 2012 at 5:01pm

One of the biggest things I had to remember when my son was at GL was how much the military has changed since I was in. As hard is it maybe, families have to understand that information cannot be shared as freely as it once was. As far as the recruiter returning call, yes he should, however he may also have training/educational requirements he has to meet, so his non-duty activity time could be limited. I know my son was spending mandadory time studying for his IDW quals and didnot have a ton of time for much else.  Not trying to make up excuses for the recruiter, but I found it was easier to get questions answered face to face rather than playing phone tag.....

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on January 18, 2012 at 6:11pm

Ship and Divison info typically not available unitl the end of processing days any way.  With the ship and divison info then you get an idea of PIR dates...remember these dates can change due to failure on a test or medical/dental issues.  In general, look at  8 weeks from  the Friday after arrival, but many times this ends up being 9 weeks.  As Jim patient and remember that "no news is good news"

Comment by lauren on October 21, 2011 at 8:55pm

Shane I would go to Navy .mil for the most update on policy changes. I would think that your recruiters should have the most updated, but use the web site to double check

Comment by Chief West on February 19, 2011 at 12:33pm

To Jim and Dante,

There is a Special Warfare Recruiter (or a coordinator at least) in the recruiting district to which Dante is attempting to enlist. His recruiter should be doing all he can to talk to him or have Dante meet with him.


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