Navy Dads

Greetings, here's the potential college credit recommended based upon seniority and ocurse completions.

Aviation Electronics Technician (AT)

L=Lower Division Baccalaureate/Associate Degree

U=Upper Division Baccalaureate

V=Vocational Certificate


Military Progression: (The amount of credit reflected in this section is dependent upon a Sailor's rank.)

Type, Semester Hours (beside training)
Cumulative Hours (below training)

Fundamentals of Aircraft Service/Maintenance V 2
2 V
Aviation Electronic's Technician, Third Class
AC Circuits L 2
Computer Systems and Organization L 2
DC Circuits L 2
Digital Principles L 2
Electronic Communications L 2
Electronic Devices and Circuits L 2
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3
Introduction to Electronics L 3
18 L
2 V
Aviation Electronics Technician, Second Class (Replaces AT3 Credit)
AC Circuits L 2
Computer Systems and Organization L 3
DC Circuits L 2
Digital Principles L 2
Electronic Communications L 2
Electronic Devices and Circuits L 2
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3
Introduction to Electronics L 3
19 L
2 V
Aviation Electronics Technician, First Class (Replaces AT2 Credit)
AC Circuits L 2
Computer Systems and Organization L 3
DC Circuits L 2
Digital Principles L 2
Electronic Communications L 2
Electronic Devices and Circuits L 2
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3
Introduction to Electronics L 3
Maintenance Management L 2
Principles of Supervision L 2
Records and Information Management L 2
25 L
2 V
Chief Aviation Electronics Technician (Replaces AT1 Credit)
AC Circuits L 2
Computer Systems and Organization L 3
DC Circuits L 2
Digital Principals L 2
Electronic Communications L 2
Electronic Devices and Circuits L 2
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3
Introduction to Electronics L 3
Maintenance Management L 3
Principles of Supervision L 3
Records and Information Management L 3
28 L
2 V
Senior Chief Aviation Electronics Technician (Replaces ATC Credit)
AC Circuits L 2
Computer Systems and Organization L 3
DC Circuits L 2
Digital Principles L 2
Electronic Communications L 2
Electronic Devices and Circuits L 2
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3
Introduction to Electronics L 3
Maintenance Management L 3
Principles of Supervision L 3
Records and Information Management L 3
Organizational Management U 3
Practicum in Management U 3
28 L
6 U
2 V
Master Chief Aviation Electronics Technician (Replaces ATCS Credit)
AC Circuits L 2
Computer Systems and Organization L 3
DC Circuits L 2
Digital Principles L 2
Electronic Communications L 2
Electronic Devices and Circuits L 2
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3
Introduction to Electronics L 3
Maintenance Management L 3
Principles of Supervision L 3
Records and Information Management L 3
Communication Techniques for Managers U 3
Field Experience in Management U 3
Interpersonal Skills U 3
Leadership Principles U 3
Operations Management U 4
Organizational Behavior and Management U 4
Organizational Management U 3
Practicum in Management U 3
Applied Leadership G 1
28 L
26 U
1 G
2 V

Initial Skills Training:

Recruit Training (Basic Training) (A-950-0001)

First Aid and Safety L 1
Personal and Community Health L 1
Personal Fitness and Conditioning L 1
3 L
Avionics Common Core, Class A1 (C-100-2020)
AC Circuits L 2
Aviation Fundamentals L 2
DC Circuits L 2
Solid State Electronics L 2
11 L
Aviation Technician Level 1 Strand, Class A1 (C-100-2017)
DC/AC Circuits L 3
Electronic Communications L 3
Radar Principles L 3
Solid State Electronics L 3
23 L
Aviation Technician O Level Strand, Class A1 (C-100-2018)
Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Systems L 3
26 L
Aircrewman Candidate, Class A (Q-050-1500)
Lifesaving L 2
Outdoor Safety and Survival L 2
Physical Training L 3
33 L


Follow on Training:

The following courses are available to personnel within the Aviation Electronics Technician rating, but a given individual may not take all courses.

Aircraft Sealed Instrument Repair Intermediate Maintenance (C-602-3019)
*Pending Evaluation

AN/AAM-60 (V) 2 Electro-Optical Systems Test Set Intermediate Maintenance (C-102-3572)
Electro-Optical Laboratory Applications L 1
Operational Analysis and Fault Isolation L 8

AN/AAS-36 Infrared Detection System Intermediate Maintenance (C-198-3571)
Electro-Optical Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3

AN/ALQ-99 Jamming Transmitters Intermediate Maintenance (C-102-4952)
Electronic Communications L 2
Electronic Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 2

AN/APS-115B Search Radar System Intermediate Maintenance (C-100-3571)
*Pending Evaluation

AN/AQH-4 (V) 2 and AN/AQH-4A (V) 2 Sound Recorder/Reproducer Set Intermediate Maintenance (C-102-3596)
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3

AN/ARC-159 (V) Transceivers and Associated Equipment Intermediate Maintenance
Maintenance of Aircraft UHF Transceivers in Laboratory L 1
Theory and Maintenance of Aircraft UHF Transceivers L 2

AN/ARC-182 (V) Communication Equipment Intermediate Maintenance (C-102-4017)
Electronic Communications Equipment Testing Theory L 4

AN/ASA-65 (V) Magnetic Compensator Group Intermediate Maintenance (C-102-3594)
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3

AN/ASM-686 Intermediate Avionics Test Set Operator/Maintainer (C-102-4043)
Electronic Systems Theory and Operation L 3
Electronic Troubleshooting and Operational Analysis L 4

AN/USM-484 Hybrid Test System Operator/Maintainer Intermediate Maintenance (C-198-3063)
Avionics/Computer Systems Operation U 5
Avionics Test Equipment U 4
Computer Programming Languages U 2
Fault Isolation and Testing U 2

AN/USM-470 (V) 2 Avionics Test Set Technician Intermediate Maintenance (C-198-3874)
Avionics and Computer Systems L 6
Avionics Test Equipment L 3
Fault Isolation and Testing L 2

AN/USM-484 Hybrid Test System Advanced Intermediate Maintenance Activity Technician
Computer Operating Systems Maintenance L 3
Fault Isolation and Troubleshooting L 2
Computer Hardware Maintenance U 5
Computer Programming U 4

C-2A (Reprocured) Avionics Systems Maintenance (C-102-9496)
Avionics Systems Fundamentals L 2
Avionics Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 2

EA-6B Integrated Electronic Attack System (CAREER) Organizational Maintenance (C-102-9742)
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Repair L 2

E-2C Search Radar Set (Transmitter) Intermediate Maintenance (C-102-3486)
Avionics Systems Fundamentals L 2
Avionics Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 2

E-6A Aircraft Wiring and Connector Repair Organizational Maintenance (C-602-3514)
High Reliability Soldering L 1

F/A-18 Avionics Systems (CAREER) Organizational Maintenance (C-102-9963)
Testing Aircraft Electronic Equipment and System L 4

General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment Calibration and Maintenance (C-198-6671)
Electronic Test Equipment L 6
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance L 3
Electronic Theory L 2
Electronic Communications U 1

H-46 Automatic Flight Control Systems (AFCS) Organizational Maintenance (C-602-3428)
Helicopter Flight Controls L 1

Intermediate Level Calibration of Physical/Dimensional Test and Measuring (C-198-3034)
Instrument Calibration (Mechanical Measuring) L 3
Instrumentation Principles (Basic) L 2

Microminiature Electronics Repair (A-100-0073)
Basic Electronic Fabrication Techniques L 2

Miniature Electronics Repair (A-100-0072)
Electronic Fabrication L 3

Miniature/Microminiature Electronic Repair Inspector (A-100-0058)
Electronics Maintenance and Troubleshooting L 2

OJ-615/ALM Countermeasures Test Console Intermediate Maintenance (C-198-3763)
Digital Electronics L 1
Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Repair L 2
Introduction to Electronics L 1

P-3 Connector and Wiring Repair Organizational Maintenance (C-602-3573)
Manufacture, Troubleshooting and Repair of Electrical Wire Harness Assemblies V 2

P-3C Flight Engineer System Familiarization (C-050-3531)
Aircraft Systems Theory and Operation L 4

P-3C Avionics (CAREER) Organizational Level Maintenance (C-102-9587)
Avionics Systems Laboratory Applications L 1
Operational Analysis and Troubleshooting L 3

Views: 194

Replies to This Discussion

Wow there is a lot of different areas to specialize in in this field! Or am I reading it wrong? Is advancement (rating/ranking up) easy to do? It looks like as long as you want to continue learning you can advance nicely. Direct me down the right thinking :). Thank you for posting this Kevin!
Hi Michele, there are a lot of training paths, but each aviation sailor will specialize in only 1 aircraft of system at a time. Frequently when it's time for new orders the detailers will attempt to keep a sailor in his current specialty, so retraining is not required. Sometimes there are no available billets, so an opportunity to learn new systems may be presented.

Advancement is dependant upon several factors:
1- Number of quotas available for that cycle, for that rating/rank. (who died, retired, quit, etc)
2- The sailor's performance mark average (PMA) from his last several evaluations. You need to do your job well, consistently, and stay out of trouble, for the competition is many!
3- Test score, so study the "bibliography for advancement" to know which courses and mauals to study. And study, and study...he who passes the test at least has a fighting chance, but he who fails, fails to promote.
4- Number of hours and quality of rest the night before the exam. "It's hard to soar with the eagles when you stay up with the turkeys" I knew two 1st class petty officers who were sure they were gonna ace the exam and promote to Chief because they were ranked #1 and #2 in the squadron, so they partied the night before...and fell asleep in the exam (and failed). Sorry, no CPO that time!

I trust you'll share these "words of wisdom" with your sailor (is it Wes?) I'd like to see him do well, for your sake at least since you care so much for his future. Blessings, Kevin
I am amazed at how hard my son is hitting the books (studying) but he has a determination now that I have never seen before :). I advised him in our chat last night to not study to exhaustion because that works against you, but to take small breaks every hour or two to allow his brain to absorb what he has been studying. He failed his first test I guess and was retaking it today. . .he seemed nervous. He was saying 2 fails isn't good, something about the Chief? What does actually happen if you get 2 fails on a test? I gave my encouraging words to him - 'you are very determined to do well Wes and that will get you where you want to go' and then before we ended our chat I told him, 'stand tall because you are doing a damn good job!' I think it helped, I know it helped me to feel needed again :).



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