Navy Dads

My sons PIR date is scheduled for 3-21-14.  I'm going to keep this as short as possible.  His girlfriend (whom refuses to call us back)   posted on the dreaded facebook that our son may not be graduating due to his A school be to full.  He has been in DEP since june or july and had to sign up for an extra year for his A school.  Now the Navy is apparently telling him he doesnt get it.  If this is true, what are his options if he d oesnt like the other jobs they offer him? 

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first of all, some GF,, needs to put a lid on it, this is a family matter,,, you can go into FB and comment back to her there, since the whole world has already read it.    and I think if he doesn't like the jobs, he can go in "unassigned" til something elsecomes up,, or maybe go through the for job descriptions or what he's asvab scores qualified him for is what I remember hearing from a recruiter way back than.

I don't know for absolute certain but I think the girl is wrong. It may be that he has been listening to scuttle butt or she didn't understand what he was saying. As I understand it (and how it worked with my son) as long as the recruit qualifies to graduate he/she will graduate. Assuming the recruit graduates on time they will then be in line to start A School. Now as to A School, he/she may not start A School right away. My son graduated in November and is still waiting for his start date. He shipped out to Pensacola the day after his PIR and has been waiting to "class up" ever since. I don't know if there are those who wait to ship out and are stuck at Great Lakes. In either case they will have duties to perform while they wait. Here is the important bit, if He has a contract for a certain job the Navy will honor it. 

She's a piece I'm really wondering if he has the option to not stay in if in fact his school has been taken away(by no fault of his own if it's true). According to her there's a possibility he may not graduate. It's driving my wife crazy. It's bugging me as well to be honest. Got a sick feeling in my gut. No news is good news generally. But when someone says what she said no news is heart wrenching.
His contract guarantees AO A school in Florida. I hope she misunderstood him. He calls her not us which I understand........I guess. Lol

this don't sound right. He should graduate boot camp. From my past experience if the school is guaranteed they will get the school. If the A school is not available after graduating boot camp they will be place in temporary hold till class is available. I experienced this during my career. I missed the class by one day, not my fault. I had to wait for 6 week doing work details until the next class commenced.

Did they Guarantee him the "A" school or did they say he would be undesignated and can apply for "A" school after boot camp? My son just left for boot camp last week. I made sure he was guaranteed Hospital Corpsman School before I let him signed. The recruiting game has not change. They will try anything to get their numbers and pray on these young kids who doesn't have a clue. My son recruiter was an idiot. Sorry to say that but not all of them are like him. Hope this help.

If his contract states AO he will get AO. Boot camp graduation has nothing to do with A school. He may have to wait until he classes up, but that is normal. My daughter is going to be a nuke so she will have holds between all of her schools.

Well I just got off the phone with him.  He says that the school is so backed up that he choices were to set in great lakes in the unit where the "bad kids" go, then when an opening in school came up he would then go back to bootcamp and pick up where he left off which is his second week of boot camp.  So the navy is sending him home and he will have to report back when there is an opening.  ship 13 div 111.  he said it appears this is not just happening to him.  something smells fishy to me.

he is guaranteed AO A school.  i called his recruiter and he says its possible this is legit cuz they are running out of room with all the cutbacks and they have no place to put these kids.  i said isnt thatwhat the DEP is for and if they had no room then why did he leave for boot camp in the first place.  he had no answer to that.  So anyone else hear anything about ship 13 div 111?

that was my thoughts too,,mayb the gf is influencing to come home, or homesick in kicking in which is why half come home on their own, its understandable tough.  hope it all works out either way :)'re not getting the whole story.....

Unfortunately if he is making calls 2 weeks in he most likely has made the decision to get out. I live with the decision to leave the navy early. 25 years later I still regret it

You all are thinking exactly what I am thinking.  I just got off the phone with him and he said his plane lands at 1550 today.  He said he was being debriefed at 0930.  he said they told him he could come back and retake asvab to get different job or possibly wait for AO to open back up.  I am fighting my natural instict t o be cursing like a sailor right now.  As prior Navy I can say this is not the Navy I was raised in.  My level of disappointment and confusion is immeasurable right now.  If half of what he says is true then the Navy has really gone down hill.  If none of it is true I guess he will be moving in with his girlfriend because sadly he will not be welcomed here.  


I spoke with my son last evening. His PIR was early November and he is still waiting to class up in Pensacola as an AD. He confirmed what Jim said about staying in ship 5 until there was physical space at A School. Fortunately, my son didn't have to wait. 

He also had more information as to the "back up" at A School. As he understands it, when they started downsizing the military under the current administration they actually cut to many people and so recruiting was stepped up. At the same time, current sailors are changing jobs to get into fields in which there are more slots open which provides more opportunity for gaining rank and the opportunity to re-enlist at the end of their current enlistment. When all of that happened they ended up clogging the A School system thus causing the delays.

If his recruiter is as helpful as my son's recruiter has been you could give the recruiter a call and ask about the situation. I'm pretty sure that my son's recruiter would give us the strait scoop on the situation.



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